Monday, August 18, 2008

The Office Season 5, Ep. 1 & 2

I'm not 100% sure I posted this (though I probably did), but the S5 premiere will take place over the eight weeks of summer, and will likely be called "Weight Loss." It'll concern the various branches of Dunder-Mifflin taking part in a company-wide weight-loss challenge. Apparently, Pam's at Pratt, with Jim visiting her at least once, and Toby's going to be in a Costa Rican hospital because he'll injure himself on a zip line. Heh. Okay, if that's how they're going to bring Toby back, then that's hysterical and I approve.

The second episode in S5 is going to be, apparently, "Business Ethics." Holly (Yay! HOLLY!) will put on a business ethics class only to find out that Dunder-Mifflin Scranton, well, doesn't exactly partake in those sort of things. This episode sounds very "Diversity Day," which can only be a good thing. :D

I'm so excited!! IS IT SEPTEMBER YET???