Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Mole, 8/5

Widget clue #9: 7..26..52
On July 26, 1952, Eva Peron, beloved first lady of Argentina, died. Craig had to visit her grave. Hmmmm.

Text clue #9: MAP REC
Nicole had a shirt on that said CAMPER. MAP REC is obviously CAMPER scrambled, so it points to her being the Mole's final victim.

Overall, I just gotta say that I love Mark. He's a barrel of wonderful. He's kind and considerate, smart, hysterically funny, determined, super athletic... okay, I'll stop before I sound even creepier. At times (okay, a lot) he's borderline psychotic, yes, but that only makes me more amused by him. Basically, he's a wonderful character and a wonderful person, which is way too rare, especially on reality TV. Other notes:

- Jon stole my "Paul-free" joke!!!!
- It was soooo satisfying to hear that WHAM! and get the giant red EXECUTED over Paul's face at long long last.
- Craig: "I'm in the final three. AND PAUL'S NOT!!!!"
- Right before one of the early commercials, did anyone else hear a weird noise that sounded like someone saying something but super sped up, or maybe super sped up and backwards? I'm not going near any forums because I know it probably says "_____ IS THE MOLE" and I don't want it spoiled that way.
- Other possible clues? Jon mentioned going past the $400000 "mark" a few times, but if that's a clue... laaaame. When I was a BillFOMO, I was so very disappointed with the dollar BILLs as clues. In Tick Tock Boom, they spent a while focusing on the letter C at one point, and no other letters seemed to get that treatment. C for Craig? When Mark was looking through the Mole's dossier, you could see the name NICOLE, but I don't think the dossier had "___ IS THE MOLE" written in it. It probably had an array of clues/sabotage information for every player. Some are saying they saw a picture of Craig in there, too. So, who knows. A stupid Nicole clue could be something along the lines of that she said she was a poet (wha?), and hey, Nicole... Mole... ;) Craig also said his life goal was to own his own business, and in the Mole's journal on ABC's official site, the Mole says his/her life goal is "to own their [sic, probably on purpose to cover the Mole's identity] own business." So, another hmmm on that one. But I think the journal is probably full of lies and clues toward every player, including the executed ones, so I don't take anything that's there as cold hard fact.
- Tick Tock Boom was awesome, but so hard. It's why I would suck (or, depending on how you look at it, possibly rock?) at this show. I'd just stand there going "duh?" and everyone would say, "Wow, that [Justine Credible] was being really useless. She's gotta be the Mole!" when in fact I'm just super dumb.
- Oh, Nicole. She was just so... Nicole during that episode. I feel like I should be annoyed with her, but I'm just not. The millions of pictures by the obelisk not quite understanding that leg of the mission! The trying to pass hot fudge off as dulce de leche! The spontaneous dancing! The being sent for in a car because she sucked so bad at Three to Tango!
- The Nicole/Jon bickering on the phone was so great. "I have Mole spies everywhere and they inform me it is hot fudge" or whatever he said was... beautiful delivery. He's such a great host. And it's his birthday today so yay!!! I loved when he was like "GET!!!!!! a flag" and the eye-rolling at her! This season's been so hilarious. I hope we get another one.......
- The second task had the most awesomely random missions. "Get someone to buy you an empinada and then take a picture with him/her."
- "Make a left at Jesus."
- I loved this edit...
Craig [confessional]: "That's the bridge I've been wanting to go to the whole time I've been here!"
Mark [confessional]: "Oh man, it's that stUUUUUUUpid bridge Craig's been wanting to go to."
- Hey, Mark actually kept money out of the pot. That said, Craig's "he kept $165K out of the pot, AND THEN he took out another $75K today..." WHAT? Okay, now it's probably around $165K, but before then, no way. Plus, he kind of put an assload into the pot, which... you didn't do so much. MOLE! Oh, and Craig going on about how Mark "wasted time" in Tick Tock Boom? Uh, Craig... weren't you like, with ~30 seconds to go, questioning, "what color does red and blue make when mixed? Purple? Which one is purple? I don't know what purple looks like. Is it like green? Should I cut the green one?" Exaggeration, but you know what I mean.
- At the preview for the reunion, did it look like it took place at a BBQ? Or was that just old footage?

As for Who Is The Mole? I'm gonna have to stick with Craig for a myriad of reasons that I'm too tired to trot out right now.

If Craig's the Mole, Mark's winning. If Mark's the Mole, Craig's winning. If Nicole's the Mole, it could be either of them, which is cool, except I don't wanna see my Marky lose :(

Videos to giggle over:
The showmance lives! (ooh, she kisses his guitar pick!)
I love Mark and his strange eating habits. They can't say "Red Bull" on TV? Stuff like Taco Thursday endears him to me even more.

Six days...