Thursday, October 02, 2008

ANTM last night

HAH! Every spoiler I read had Analeigh going home, and I was actually upset about it. So you can imagine how overjoyed I was to see who actually went home... oh, and you could tell Clark did not think she would be going home. HAH!

Call-out order:
1. Analeigh
It's official now; Analeigh can do no wrong. This picture is so strong in body language, yet kitschy and cute like the shot demanded. I wish she was looking at the camera, but it's SO strong otherwise that I can ignore that.

2. McKey
SO high fashion, I want to vomit. She made that cheap-ass set look utterly amazing. Bonus points for going best with the theme! Her only problem is some wonky eye stuff, like... well, everyone in this shoot.

3. Sheena
It appears that she didn't have as much "stuff" to work with as the other girls, so she had to hold her own by herself, and she totally did. Such a strong pose and face. Only issue? NO NECK AAAHHH!!!!

4. Lauren Brie
Lauren sure does love those awkward poses crammed into the corner of her photos... but she totally owns those awkward poses. Probably the strongest facially of all the girls, too. I couldn't stand that the judges threw the "resting on pretty" criticism at her. She's going out of her way to be really edgy, all the time.

5. Elina
This is quite a good picture and a very strong pose, but she's too harsh in the face and she looks like she's the bully on the playground destroying all the kids' toys. It's still a very good picture, though. Love that leg up on the cliff thing.

6. Marjorie
AAHH!!! WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH HER FACE!!!! Uh, that said, her pose is the strongest apart from Analeigh's (and considering the theme, McKey's).

7. Clark
I love the pose, even if Tyra dismissed it as "a shaving ad" or whatever. However, facially, it's a mess. She's looking at the weirdest off-camera point, and it's the worst angle on her nose.

8. Samantha
First call out my ass. The pose is great, but she's mostly covering it with that wave. Facially, it's awful. She looks tired and minorly dead. Oh, and I think I know why I'm always like "why does she look plus size all the time?" Her face photographs very chubby. Plus, she looks like Whitney C10 in photos... but Whitney was prettier and had more defined cheekbones.

9. Joslyn
The worst by FAR. She looks like an awkward, distracted kid playing with her toys, it's a bad expression on her face, and her eyes are DEAD. Yikes. I thought she was going home for sure...

So far, my call-out averages of the remaining girls:

Analeigh (3, 4, 1, 1, 1) - 2
Elina (8, 8, 5, 7, 5) - 6.6
Joslyn (7, 1, 9, 8, 9) - 6.8
Lauren Brie (10, 2, 2, 4, 4) - 4.4
Marjorie (2, 3, 4, 6, 6) - 4.2
McKey (4, 6, 8, 5, 2) - 5
Samantha (12, 13, 6, 10, 8) - 9.8
Sheena (6, 7, 3, 3, 3) - 4.4

And the averages of the eliminated girls:
Sharaun - 9
Nikeysha - 11
Brittany - 9
Hannah - 12
Isis - 6.5
Clark - 7.6