Friday, October 24, 2008

My ranking the ANTM ladies that are going abroad.

6. Samantha
Voting: 10/14
Balloon: 13/13
Swimsuit: 4/12
Fierce Eyes: 10/10
Natural disasters: 7/9
Fiercee Awards: 6/8
Cover Girl commercial: 4/7
Average call-out: 7.71

5. Elina
Voting: 8/14
Balloon: 7/13
Swimsuit: 6/12
Fierce Eyes: 7/10
Natural disasters: 6/9
Fiercee Awards: 4/8
Cover Girl commercial: 5/7
Average call-out: 6.14

4. McKey
Voting: 4/14
Balloon: 6/13
Swimsuit: 9/12
Fierce Eyes: 5/10
Natural disasters: 2/9
Fiercee Awards: 7/8
Cover Girl commercial: 7/7
Average call-out: 5.71

3. Sheena
Voting: 6/14
Balloon: 8/13
Swimsuit: 3/12
Fierce Eyes: 3/10
Natural disasters: 4/9
Fiercee Awards: 3/8
Cover Girl commercial: 2/7
Average call-out: 4.14

2. Marjorie
Voting: 2/14
Balloon: 3/13
Swimsuit: 5/12
Fierce Eyes: 6/10
Natural disasters: 3/9
Fiercee Awards: 1/8
Cover Girl commercial: 6/7
Average call-out: 3.71

1. Analeigh
Voting: 3/14
Balloon: 4/13
Swimsuit: 1/12
Fierce Eyes: 1/10
Natural disasters: 1/9
Fiercee Awards: 2/8
Cover Girl commercial: 1/7
Average call-out: 1.86


Based entirely on the shoots, I would have eliminated Samantha (for the balloon and fierce eyes shot) and McKey (for the Cover Girl commercial) already (based on pictures alone, I eliminated Clark Week 1, Samantha Week 2, Hannah Week 3, Samantha Week 4, Joslyn Week 5, Lauren Brie Week 6, and McKey Week 7). Analeigh, Sheena, and Elina have never been in the bottom 2.