Monday, March 19, 2007

life mystery solved.

an example of a good scene. because they're NOT TALKING.

So, I discovered my problem with Brokeback Mountain.

Brilliant acting (except Anne Hathaway), stunning cinematography, solid other techs, strong directing...

almost RUINED by a God-awful script. Seriously, people, do you think that script was good? The acting out the horrible lines were good, sure. But...okay...take "I wish I knew how to quit you!" The overexposure doesn't help. But that's an awful line. People don't talk like that. And yes, I know, it's a movie, I'll give it that. It's still a terrible line. Masterfully delivered by The Gyllenhaal, but an awful line. The best scenes in the film are the ones with no dialogue. Also, however amazing the actors are, they can't conjure up any real emotions in me because of the script, which demands the audience fill in the blanks - and not in a good way*. I'll admit I cried like a fuckin' baby during Crash. Manipulative? Whatever, it worked. Brokeback, even with its twinkly twee little score, couldn't get me to do much but sit there and check my watch multiple times. It's not a horrible film but sorry, guys, this is one I don't, and will never, "get." B-

* I'm not an idiot, contrary to what you might think. I don't mind movies not spelling it out for me - lord knows I'd actually prefer it. But I don't think movies should require me to do all the work. What I mean by this, is that Brokeback seems to throw random unfinished sentences at me ("Jack, I swear..."), and then demand that I find some kind of meaning out of them. Some apparently did. Good for them. I've seen indication that the movie is more poignant for people in a divided relationship (where, you know, the two people are separate...I guess...)...but you know what? I've done that divided relationship thing, and for a few years. I still can't connect to Brokeback Mountain. I can connect to hundreds of other movies with situations nothing like my life at all.

What it boils down to is, God, I wish I knew everyone knew how to quit this movie.