Thursday, March 22, 2007

happy birthday to MY GIRL!

just in case you forgot what a really great oscar dress looks like

Reese Witherspoon is fuckin' awesome.

Seriously, you should think so too (if you don't, she will probably come cut you, anyway). I have absolutely no shame in saying she is one of my favorite actresses. Seriously. The Man in the Moon, Freeway, Pleasantville, Election, American Psycho, Legally Blonde, Vanity Fair (she's good, the film really isn't), all capping off with a well-deserved Oscar for Walk the Line. Love her. And I love her even more because I don't think she's the least bit pretty but do you ever see her looking anything but incredible at awards shows? No. No, you don't. Cuz bitch knows how to dress herself.
Happy birthday Reese!