How long until the Republicans claim it's one of the top ten conservative movies of all time because April dies due to a botched abortion?
It was okay. It packed a hell of a punch, but parts were unintentionally funny (maybe intentional to lessen the tension?). Mendes' American Beauty was like that, but at the end of American Beauty, I absolutely got the feeling that this was a movie that loved life. Revolutionary Road, um, not so much. Kate was as fantastic as she usually is, even with dialogue that was at times stifled and motivational-speaker-y, especially at the beginning of the movie, but I found Leo completely unbelievable, sad to say. He was shockingly bad at the beginning of the movie, specifically, because he just seemed to go into "DOUCHE" mode and hit that note over and over again. Michael Shannon shocked me with how much his character was like the Joker, though he didn't leave me flabbergasted like Heath.
I did like it more than I seem to indicate here. B or so?
And now I have some homework to do. On a Friday night, I know. BOOOOOOO