I really wish I would have done a review of them when the promo pics first came out a la MMaS kind of, but unfortunately, I didn't. I do, however, have my pre-show predictions without spoilers, so here they are. I just have the list, but no comments on it.
13. Mikarla (or whoever the shortest is)
12. Leah
11. Lola
10. Franky
9. Laura M.
8. Madison
7. Georgie
6. Cassi
5. Clare
4. Eloise
3. Laura T.
2. Tahnee
1. Adele
I know I did think Eloise and Laura T. were going to be total bitches and fashionistas. I thought Cassi would be around long enough to start some shit, but not long enough to win. I thought Clare would be robbed and guess what? She was. I did think Adele would take AMAZING photos and have like, the best portfolio EVER, but that was... a no. I also thought Tahnee was beyond stunning, even in her promo photo.
And here is my ~elite~ personal elimination order.
13. Leah
12. Laura T.
11. Adele
10. Franky
9. Georgie
8. Eloise
7. Laura M.
6. Tahnee
5. Cassi
4. Madison
3. Lola
2. Mikarla
1. Clare
I'll put my comments on these girls in another post...