Saturday, February 10, 2007

music videos

...because i can't think of anything else to post. and the number one rule of blogging: never be afraid to be boring. i read these people going on and on and on and on, etc, on their blogs, about how hard it is to be a blogger. dude, who the hell else are you doing it for, besides yourself? it's a fucking blog, not a proust novel (except that reference made me think of little miss sunshine and smile). my postings may be frequent and suck, but i'd rather have that than a brilliant post, but only post once every month or something. that's so dumb. umm...anyway

FAVORITE: "weapon of choice" fatboy slim
LEAST FAVORITE: "black hole sun" um...i think it's soundgarden? & "look what you've done" jet (i don't like music videos that scare the crap outta me)