Saturday, May 31, 2008
By the way, guys: girls watch Sex and the City because it's escapist and our version of fun, like Transformers is for a lot of you. I don't know any fans that claim it's their life, or aspire to lead that kind of life. Thank God, my boyfriend's not "threatened" by it or whatever bullshit.
Complaints about The Office S4?
In conclusion, I fucking loved The Office Season 4, and I'm kind of tired of reading complaints that consist of nothing but "WAAHHH!! IT WASN'T LIKE SEASON 2!!!!!" I'll have a big post up about S4 eventually; I know I already ranked the episodes, but I moved a few around, and I'll have actual analyses of said episodes. "That's coming..." eventually. Just like Jim's proposal. ;)
Friday, May 30, 2008
My blatant favorite SatC couple.
Sex and the City reviews.
(100 posts in May. Am I pathetic or what?)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I have funny friends.
(me) (10:39:51 PM): also mark wahlberg seems really wrong for the role.
(me) (10:40:01 PM): mark wahlberg is not the kind to be like "death! OMG! i'm gonna die!"
(me) (10:40:20 PM): mark wahlberg is the kind to go up to death, stick his pointer finger in its face, and go "faaaaahk you, cunt!!!!"
(friend) (10:41:07 PM): no. that's the departed. the whole movie. not any one character. the movie stands up and goes "fahk off ya fahkin' cuntrags!" and bangs your girlfriend.
(me) (10:41:18 PM): hahahhahahahhahhahaha
(me) (10:41:20 PM): its so true
So, "Night Out" is on now, and honestly, apologies to "The Deposition" because "Night Out" is definitely the worst episode of S4. It's not terrible, in fact it is pretty funny, but it would probably be in my bottom 10 episodes of the series, which I need to work on. There are only three episodes of the entire series which I would flat-out say I didn't like.
Burn After Reading trailer.
JK Simmons looks a lot like John Malkovich. And I kept thinking I saw Tom Wilkinson and was like "huh, he's in this movie? And George? And Tilda? Awww, Michael Clayton reunion!"
1) Best transition from movies to TV (actor, actress, producer/director, movie/show)
Alec Baldwin in 30 Rock comes to mind, or Ron Howard producing Arrested Development.
2) Living film director you most missing seeing on the cultural landscape regularly
Terrence Malick. I don't always love his films (The Thin Red Line -blech!), but they're always at least gorgeous and striving for greatness.
3) Eugene Pallette or Charles Coburn
Haven't seen much from either. Pass.
4) Fill in the blank: “I pray that no one ever turns _____________ into a movie.”
After its perfectly ambiguous ending, The Sopranos.
5) Jane Greer or Veronica Lake
Lake. The hair!
6) What was the last movie you saw in a theater? On DVD? And why?
In a theater - Iron Man, because all my friends were going. As I've noted before, it rocked. Yes, I still need to see Indiana Jones.
DVD - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, because I finally got to it on my Netflix queue.
7) Name an actor you think should be a star
Ed Helms. Nathan Fillon.
8) Foxy Brown or Coffy
Pam Grier is awesome, so either.
9) Favorite TV show still without its own DVD box set
Wouldn't know, don't watch classic TV.
10) Jack Elam or Neville Brand
11) What movies would top your list of movies you need to revisit, for whatever reason?
The Godfather. I haven't seen it since early freshman year.
12) Zodiac or All the President’s Men
Difficult. Zodiac.
13) Using our best reviewer-speak, what is an “important” film comedy? And what is to you the most important film comedy of the last 35 years?
I'm tempted to say The Office, of course, but it's not a film. At any rate, an "important" film comedy is a film that tells us all something about our society that we might not even be aware of because we're laughing so damn hard. So, something like South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut or Election does nicely.
14) Describe the ideal environment for watching a movie.
I love seeing cult/big movies in crowds. If they're full of assholes, though, ugh.
15) Michelle Williams or Eva Mendes
The one with talent (and an Oscar nomination).
16) What’s the worst movie title of all time?
Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood.
17) Best movie about teaching and/or learning
The Miracle Worker.
18) Dracula (1931) or Horror of Dracula (1958)
19) Why do you blog? Or if you don’t, why do you read blogs? (Thanks, Girish)
Because I love the sound of my own voice. ;)
20) Most memorable/disturbing death scene
Psycho. Most things involving children.
21) Jason Robards or Robert Shaw
Oh God, either.
22) A good candidate for Most Blasphemous Movie Ever
The Passion of the Christ?
23) Rio Bravo or Red River
Rio Bravo
24) Werner Herzog is remaking Bad Lieutenant with Nicolas Cage—that’s reality. Try to outdo reality by concocting a match-up of director and title for a really strange imaginary remake.
Guillermo del Toro and Annie.
25) Bulle Ogier or Charlotte Rampling
Rampling, duh.
26) In the Realm of the Senses— yes or no?
Never seen it. So maybe?
27) Name a movie you think of as your own (Thanks, Jim!)
Lost in Translation, especially when you're my age and most people are like "Most boring movie ever!" I just connected to it so well.
28) Winged Migration or Microcosmos
Winged Migration.
29) Your favorite football game featured in a movie
Does the one in The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged count?
30) Wendy Hiller or Deborah Kerr
31) Dirtiest secret you have that is related to the movies
I'll never tell.
32) Name a favorite film and describe how it is illuminated and enriched by another favorite film.
Yeah, I'm lost. I will say, though, that I love how Tarantino's movies seem to exist in their own little world, populated by the same characters who all use the same products and spout a lot of the same dialogue.
33) It’s a Gift or Horsefeathers
Never seen either.
34) Your best story about seeing a movie at a drive-in
Never been.
35) Victor Mature or Tyrone Power
Pass. Wait, I liked Victor Mature in My Darling Clementine, so him.
36) What does film criticism mean to you? Where do you think it’s headed?
It means talking about films in an intelligent way, not like on IMDb where it seems like every movie must be worthless trash or the Where's it headed? Into the toilet comes to mind.
I'm not all that surprised - the whole comedians-are-dark-men thing - but I'm a naive idealistic college student and I'm all disappointed. Bill.
Oh, Sex and the City movie and your in-fighting...
They all hate each other. :P
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Multiple nominees (of mine) of the new millennium.
Laura Linney (like it'd be anyone else)
You Can Count on Me (2000)
The Life of David Gale (2003)
P.S... (2004, leading)
Kinsey (2004, supporting)
The Squid and the Whale (2005)
The Savages (2007)
Renee Zellweger
Nurse Betty (2000)
Bridget Jones' Diary (2001)
Cold Mountain (2003)
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Almost Famous (2000)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
Kirsten Dunst
The Virgin Suicides (2000)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Marie-Antoinette (2006)
Samantha Morton
Jesus' Son (2000)
Morvern Callar (2002, leading)
Minority Report (2002, supporting)
Kate Winslet
Quills (2000)
Iris (2001)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Nicole Kidman
Moulin Rouge! & The Others (2001)
Dogville & Birth (2004)
Margot at the Wedding (2007)
Jude Law
A.I. (2001)
Cold Mountain (2003)
I Heart Huckabees (2004)
Christian Bale
American Psycho (2000)
Rescue Dawn (2007)
Clive Owen
Croupier (2000)
Closer (2004)
Russell Crowe
Gladiator (2000)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
Tom Wilkinson
In the Bedroom (2001)
Michael Clayton (2007)
Naomi Watts
Mulholland Dr. (2001)
The Painted Veil (2006)
Gwyneth Paltrow
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
Proof (2005)
Daniel Day-Lewis
Gangs of New York (2002)
There Will Be Blood (2007)
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Secretary (2002)
Happy Endings (2005)
Meryl Streep
Adaptation. (2002)
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
Uma Thurman
Kill Bill, Vol. 1 (2003)
Kill Bill, Vol. 2 (2004)
Peter Sarsgaard
Shattered Glass (2003)
Kinsey (2004)
Kevin Bacon
Mystic River (2003)
The Woodsman (2004)
Morgan Freeman
Bruce Almighty (2003...seriously)
Million Dollar Baby (2004)
Steve Carell
Anchorman (2004)
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Viggo Mortensen
A History of Violence (2005)
Eastern Promises (2007)
Tommy Lee Jones
In the Valley of Elah (2007, leading)
No Country for Old Men (2007, supporting)
Deleted scene greatness.
Pilot: Jim describes his job. The accountants introduce themselves. Also, we hear the camera crew speak!!!!!
Diversity Day: INCEST/INSECT. "I could be French." There are good things about Michael. Ethnic festivals in Scranton.
Health Care: Jim and Pam analyze Dwight's signs. Dwight and Jim discuss movies. The scene where Dwight interrogates Pam about Roy's health care is awesome, but almost too painful to watch.
The Alliance: Dwight changes his password. The way Pam answers the phone when she's smiling. The greatest day of Jim's life. Well-played.
Basketball: Dwight loves his dry-erase board. Sharks are playful creatures. Also, you gotta love the Dwangela sort of kind of hints in these deleted scenes...
Hot Girl: Dwight's perfect girl and perfect date. Ryan burns Michael some music. Also, is it just me, or in the conference room scene with Dwight, can you see the name "Andy" on the sales chart?! So precognizant. ;)
The Dundies: Toby's never won a Dundie... and he's more than okay with that. Michael and Jim discuss Kevin's Dundie. Jim's thoughts on the Dundies. Michael doesn’t know what "OPP" means. Michael in an Indian outfit. The continuation of the scene where Pam falls off her chair (Jim holds her!).
Sexual Harassment: "She wouldn't do that. She's a senator" (not the entire "scene," but that line). The hypothetical situation of Michael dating Pam. Michael's rant against Toby. The angry face will sue the winking face.
Office Olympics: "Do we buy a horse on the internet?" Schruteball (I love how Pam's ability to make up clever puns is repeated in "Money"). Police reports in Michael's new neighborhood. Dwight's suggestion for Michael's third room.
The Fire: Dwight tried to write a book about Michael. Kevin counts and Angela disapproves. Jim loves Annie Hall and The Shining!!!! Kevin's choice of Desert Island movies.
Halloween: Michael would fire Toby. We meet the Vance Refrigeration guys ("ass ass ass ass ass!!!"). "It's hard to hit another living thing in the face with a shovel for about an hour." Dwight was put on the Earth to sell paper at Dunder-Mifflin.
The Fight: Dwight's thoughts on Michael in Japan.
The Client: Why Michael has a melon baller in his desk. The end of the reading of Threat Level Midnight. Jim's worst first date (this one SHATTERS MY HEART OMG).
Performance Review: why Oscar exceeded his days off. Dwight's performance review tool in detail, and Jim's performance review tool (Jim. Is Jim. My name is Jim. That's a total waste of your M! One of my favorite deleted scenes.). Michael's terrible misinterpretation of "I am not going to discuss anything outside of Dunder-Mifflin business, period." Jim's metaphors. Ryan goes on a scavenger hunt. Michael is "crystal straight." Pam is very good at what she does. Dwight's reaction to Ryan's performance review. Michael's metaphor for an office.
E-Mail Surveillance: A dinosaur getting ready to go to improv class. Any extra scenes of Michael at improv. Ryan is the Fire Guy.
Christmas Party: Oscar gets trapped. Abso.lutely.not. Kelly was going to throw out a book. Dwight is not at his personal best (uh, does that mean what I think it means, or am I filthy-minded) when he drinks. Oscar and Creed's conversation and Oscar’s following talking head (Oscar is so the star of the deleted scenes in this episode).
Booze Cruise: Toby is the anchor. Toby misses the boat. A monster that eats Catholics. Ryan studying in the bathroom. Michael tries to rock out... and Creed actually rocks out (an added bonus of this scene is how freaking cute Jim and Pam are, even just standing there). Drugs played a part. Darryl and Angela at the bar. Jim's toast for Pam (again, this one SHATTERS MY HEART).
The Injury: Jim's thoughts on his Foreman grill. Dwight denies the camera crew's accusations of a concussion.
The Secret: Dwight's rant against dust bunnies (vicious little bitches!). Michael's crossword puzzle.
The Carpet: Angela guesses who did the thing on Michael’s carpet. Kevin's thoughts on the same.
Boys and Girls: Michael tries to pick a ring tone. Roy and Dwight bond. Dwight attacks the Warehouse with a spud gun.
Valentine's Day: Michael loves the women of the office (RYAN COVERING HIS FACE!!!). The most attractive part of a lady. Kevin’s fiancée went out of town. Michael's thoughts on the meeting taking place on Valentine’s Day. Dwight tries to write something. Jim's thoughts on Dwight’s girlfriend. Hey, it's Devon!
Dwight’s Speech: Dwight and his ridiculous sunglasses. Michael's worried about Ryan leaving. Dwight outside the sci-fi convention. Though the part where Michael goes on and on at Dwight's speech is too long, it's really funny when the baby starts crying.
Take Your Daughter to Work Day: We'll teach the kids about obesity. Jim and Sacha (SO CUTE!!!!). Melissa needs to learn why daddy's so cranky when he comes home from work. Kevin wants to pretend to be the head accountant. Sacha and Ryan (SO CUTE!!!!). Jim's certificate for Abby.
Michael's Birthday: Jim's thoughts on Michael's birthday (wasn't this in the original episode?). Michael makes Ryan stay in his office. Angela's not afraid of dying.
Drug Testing: Jim does more impressions. Dwight will pray to Thor. Pam is interrogated. Pam sends Meredith to Jim (Jim is too cute in that one). Conference room scene (Jan was listening!!!). Everyone has a motive. Michael's flyers. Jim's got a call from Brenda (and his following talking head). It was the Vance Refrigeration guys after all!
Conflict Resolution: Jim's prank on Dwight's desk. Toby must not kill or rape another person. "I'd tell you, but I'd have to kill you. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Michael didn't think Dwight would go postal because he thought Dwight would go postal.
Casino Night: Dunder-Mifflin Mad Libs!!!!!!
Gay Witch Hunt: Andy's calf weights. Dwight can find homosexuals and Communists. Michael knows every kind of person. Jim has respect for his new boss. Wow, Karen is a bitch (there are several scenes that prove that. And yes, I'm sure Team Karen is exploding over this, but you know what? It's part of her personality. She's tough. Sometimes awesome, like when she pranks Jim. And, yes, at times, very bitchy, like when she tells Hannah to "put away her udder".). Pam thinks everyone should stay out of everyone's business. Michael covers himself. Oscar's job interview. Meredith's face when Oscar admits he's gay.
The Convention: Dwight's file for Angela. Dwight gets a man-crush on Josh. Josh on a kibbutz!!!! Cosmos like Carrie Bradshaw (just that line). Josh doesn't want to comment on Jan and Michael.
The Coup: Dwight will protect Angela from abuse and manhandling... but not all manhandling. Schrutes and Mannheims. THE CREED MONTAGE. Pam clips her shirt closed. Michael's attempt to rhyme things with Scott. Phyllis is the first lady of Vance Refrigeration.
Grief Counseling: Hannah shows Jim pictures of her baby. The best way to honor the dead. Ryan did not know Ed Truck. The ball-throwing exercise was in the binder. Home Alone is the saddest movie ever.
Initiation: Mommy and Daddy are fighting. Dwight tells Michael he's taking Ryan on a sales call. Pam might owe Jim $30. The chattering teeth and the banana. Dwight and Ryan in the Schrute family graveyard. Stanley loves four things. Stanley bonds with Michael and says "that’s what she said"!
Diwali: The Indian gods are like Care Bears!!! Pam misses Jim sometimes (;_;). Angela would go to a party in Hell... but not enjoy herself. Carol meets Ryan and Dwight. Oh God I am shallow and when Ryan was standing there in that t-shirt I was drooling (yes, Ryan). Dwangela outside the school (plus Kelly and Ryan making out and "gonna have sex on Diwali?!"). Scrantonicity for Diwali ’07!
Branch Closing: no deleted scenes
The Merger: Dwight Googled Martin Nash. Jim says hi to Kevin and Angela (I love how Angela says "oh my lord"). Pam and Jim talk (RYAN, WHY ARE YOU AN ASSHOLE.). Andy meets Kevin (BFF!!!!). Kevin does the shredding (what happened to this deleted scene? I only saw it on YouTube.). Martin smells something weird. Kevin gives off the vibe of a guy that's getting thinner.
The Convict: "Did someone bring in a human baby?" Kelly has something to say. Things that Ryan doesn't think are cute. Ryan is not the luckiest guy in the world. Creed's prison wine. Michael will punch Dwight in the tooth (this is even funnier when you see the blooper reel when they couldn't get through it). Dwight's book. Pam gets her "revenge" on Jim. More Prison Mike footage.
A Benihana Christmas: Angela was outraged for baby Jesus. Angela complains to Toby (she slaps him!). If Stanley has to stand, he gets irritated. The Ryan/Kelly scenes are actually totally sweet and I think that kind of stuff is going to come back to bite him in the ass in S5.
Back from Vacation (best episode ever for deleted scenes!): Michael talking about his vacation in the car. Michael's postcards for Pam. Jim's pranks over the break (4 AM meetings!!!). Presents for everyone! We should all be Bevans. Are you stoned, in the picture? Pam needs evidence for Michael and Jan together in Jamaica. Michael's into PhotoShop. Phyllis' relationship with Stanley. Michael trying to figure out Jan's e-mail password. Your body is a temple. Kevin should be turned on. The worst and best parts about the internet. Michael should have studied the Spidey principles. Dwight hid a deck of cards... aaaaand cut to Jim and Ryan playing cards. DISCO AUDIT ’05!!!!!!! Stanley doesn’t want to miss the show. Stacking competition. Meredith gets stuck. Michael gives Stanley his bonus... in Jamaican money. Toby’s been to a real luau.
Traveling Salesmen: if it counts as a deleted scene, Harvey (decidedly in my top ten moments in the entire series). Andy and Karen in the break room (if only for the way he hits over the utensil cup). Michael demands punctuality. Doubling things is not a great idea (the way Dwight says "boobs" cracks me up). Kevin's bouncing off the walls. Andy quoting "you the man now, dog"!!!! Jim and Dwight discuss if Andy's out to get Dwight. Jim's license plate. Kevin smells really good. Dwight likes Karen. Phyllis thinks Jim is really hot.
The Return: Oscar comes back (I love how the giant smile on Oscar’s face fades the second Michael says "Oscar is a gay man...")! Oscar wants the people in the office to shut up, but he also wants a home theater. Oscar asks what happened to Dwight. Oscar needs to learn about his culture (yes, the past four sentences started with "Oscar"). Pam and Angela talk. Andy loves Dunder-Mifflin so much he punched a hole in it. Kevin’s thoughts on donkeys/piñatas. KEVIN AND RYAN SINGING!!!!!! Michael will shake his and then Pam will shake hers (no she will not).
Ben Franklin: Pam on the phone to ward off Todd Packer (I love how she very quickly [like suspiciously quickly… /Michael in "The Injury"] says "I don't wear glasses!!!", and then we find out the truth in "Did I Stutter?"). Angela does not give Creed change. The stripper is just so... pale (RYAN LOVES KELLY!!). Dwight interrogates Ben Franklin.
Phyllis' Wedding: Kevin’s proposed to four different girls. Does Dwight know Oscar? Karen ignores Jim for her BlackBerry (cuz she's a craaaazy biiiiitch. ;) ). The Angela/Dennis scenes (especially when he calls her promiscuous!!!). Michael needs dirt on Phyllis. Creed shows Oscar cake. Oscar would like to get married (AHAHAHAH!!!). Michael's toast on the "-tions."
Business School: Jim has some books for Michael. All extra scenes of Michael speaking at Ryan's school. Karen starts to tear down the sign for Pam’s art show...ugh. Jim's never heard the word "leader." Roy and Kenny's scene with Pam at her art show (definitely shows Roy's true colors).
Cocktails: Toby will not do Ryan's dirty work. Yes, boss (is this the Pam/Jim S3 relationship in a nutshell or what?). Oscar and Angela bond (adorable!). Jan's attracted to weird and wrong men. Ryan and Stanley's daughter united! Michael's closing monologue.
The Negotiation: no deleted scenes
Safety Training: "Drew's" cookies (I love how Phyllis says "she's Andy"). Would Andy like not coffee? Drew cares about the environment. Ryan should work out. Michael's Borat impression. Bob Vance calls Phyllis. The employees tell Michael why he shouldn't jump ("you have a cute butt!").
Product Recall: Ryan imitates Kelly. Creed meets the guy who wrote his obituary. Andy in his girlfriend's class ("Doctor Johnson! We need you in surgery right away."). Kevin theorizes about cartoon characters and sex. Michael's apology videos to his condo association and mom. Though the scene in front of the high school goes on too long, I love the little bit where Jim talks to Andy’s girlfriend's friend about The Hills (and Jim's response to "do you have any weed?"). Kelly's apology to Angela. Angela's face after her talking head about Kelly.
Women’s Appreciation: Michael doesn't understand the cartoons in The Wall Street Journal. Kelly screams. Dwight and Andy bond over cold soups. Why can't women have orgasms? Andy lived with a dominatrix. Dwight escorts the women through the parking lot.
Beach Games: We're a regular Ocean’s 11. The torches are lit and Jim is astute. Phyllis thinks Jim would be a good boss. An office-wide "that's what she said!" Kevin's out of it.
The Job: Michael's true thoughts on Toby. Michael describes his new condo. Dwight's thoughts on the new boss. Kelly gives Pam some advice. Dwight and Angela in the boss' office. Kevin might have a gambling problem. "Human skull!" Creed floods the market with Schrute Bucks. Dwight is proud of what he accomplished. Stanley's glad Michael's back. Michael's face as Jan moves into his condo.
Taaa-daaaa. Bring on the S4 DVD...and S5 ;)
My 89th post in May.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sydney Pollack :(
Monday, May 26, 2008
Anyway, yeah, it was very good. As it went on, though, I felt my attention pretty much slipping away for whatever reason. The screenplay and Schnab's nods were definitely deserved, though, because at least he tried to do something new with boring ol' biopics. I thought Marie-Josee Croze was also quite remarkable.
For Your Emmy Consideration.

Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Steve Carell (Michael Scott): Goodbye Toby
The Deposition and Money are also very good choices. Each gives him a boatload of screentime and great comedic acting, and he's also got big dramatic and sympathetic moments in all of them. I almost chose Money for "I. DECLARE. BANKRUPTCYYY!!!!" but then again, if Rainn submits Money, watching the same episode twice (albeit with somewhat different parts) might not go well with the voters. And Goodbye Toby does have "I'll kill you," which basically kills me every time I watch it. They should not submit Dunder-Mifflin Infinity, because the screaming will turn off people who don't watch the show on a regular basis.
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Leslie David Baker (Stanley Hudson): Did I Stutter?
Obviously. That last scene with him and Michael really is an utter killer, though.
Brian Baumgartner (Kevin Malone): Chair Model
Another obvious one. His part in Goodbye Toby is obviously hysterical, and I'm almost tempted to recommend it instead, but his part in Chair Model has more depth and backstory.
Creed Bratton (...Creed Bratton): Dunder-Mifflin Infinity
I don't think he has a chance, but in this one you get his usual insanity combined with that little undercurrent of him being worried about new technology. Maybe Survivor Man, just for the dance around the room.
Ed Helms (Andy Bernard): Launch Party
He sings! He's got a bullhorn! HE STOLE IT! Chair Model's another option.
John Krasinski (Jim Halpert): Branch Wars
Apparently there's a massive push to get him a nomination, so yay. There was last year, too, from what I've read, but he submitted the wrong episode (Business School?!?!?! Okay the vampire thing is funny, but WHHHYYYYY???!!!), which sunk his chances. Branch Wars is an obvious choice; I read somewhere else that when the car pulls into the Utica lot, you can "see his heart eating itself." Plus, I think in her "awesome stuff of 2007" list on her blog, Mindy Kaling noted his performance in that episode. Goodbye Toby might be an option, too, because he goes through about a billion emotions in it. Both Branch Wars and Goodbye Toby conjure up tons of sympathy toward Jim, too.
Paul Lieberstein (Toby Flenderson): Goodbye Toby
He might as well take the episode with his name in it, right? Night Out is another option, but it might weird out or confuse voters who don't watch the show.
BJ Novak (Ryan Howard): Night Out
His big episode, obviously, and also the only one in which he's in any way sympathetic. He could always submit Dinner Party or Chair Model ;) (he should submit the latter... for writing)
Oscar Nunez (Oscar Martinez): Money
His "big episode," I guess. His interaction with Michael is indeed awesome. I also like him in Branch Wars because I think he's the redeeming factor in making the Finer Things Club not a total wash (along with Andy trying to get in). He doesn't really have a lot of screen time in many episodes, but he's got a bazillion killer one-liners/talking heads.
Craig Robinson (Darryl Philbin): Did I Stutter?
Again, I guess. Did you know he originally tried out for Jim? And John Krasinski originally tried out for Dwight? And Angela Kinsey originally tried out for Pam?
Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute): Money
Much like Steve in this episode, this gives him lots of screentime, a bunch of comedy, and some really great sympathetic scenes. Submitting stuff like Fun Run or Dunder-Mifflin Infinity might weird out non-viewers.
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Jenna Fischer (Pam Beesly): Job Fair
Even those who seem to dislike FNB like her in Job Fair, and she's pretty awesome between the snarking at Michael and the Jim-inspiring and the looking for an art job and all that. I heard she submitted Fun Run a while back (they can submit episodes early on and change them up to May 31), and that's also a good choice, from the sex tape to pepping up Michael.
Kate Flannery (Meredith Palmer): Fun Run
The only episode in which she gets a lot of screentime, really. Unfortunately, a lot of the tertiary characters have no chance, but that's why The Office should win the SAG award for Best Ensemble Cast from now into the future forever.
Melora Hardin (Jan Levinson): Dinner Party
Duh. Oh man, that bitch is crazy.
Mindy Kaling (Kelly Kapoor): Dunder-Mifflin Infinity
That "why not?" after Ryan tells her they're never getting back together really tells you all you ever need to know about Kelly. She could also submit The Deposition as it gives her a lot of screentime, but I'm of the minority opinion that, aside from her talking head about smack talk vs. trash talk, she is so incredibly annoying in that episode. The way some people feel about Michael in Dunder-Mifflin Infinity is the way I feel about Kelly in The Deposition.
Angela Kinsey (Angela Martin): Fun Run
She's as awesome and bitchy and conniving as ever, but way more sympathetic than she is in other episodes. I don't think they should put in a post-strike episode, because the weird purse/desk/copier/etc. placement might confuse non-fans that don't know she was pregnant.
Phyllis Smith (Phyllis Vance): Chair Model
If they include deleted scenes, she could also enter Goodbye Toby, which might also work for Kate/Meredith.
and finally...
Outstanding Comedy Series (six half hours)
Fun Run, Part 2
Launch Party, Part 1
Local Ad
Goodbye Toby (both parts)
These aren't necessarily my six (five) favorite episodes this season, though I love them all. The darn hour-longs keep messin' me up =/ The second half of Fun Run starts with that adorable "we're dating" scene and the actual fun run employs pretty awesome ensemble work. A lot of people seem to really like Launch Party, and the first half has a lot of the comedy and none of the kidnapping of the pizza boy plot, which goes on too long. Local Ad got nominated for the WGA, so someone there obviously liked it. The last scene, with the employees all being cute and bonding, is just so awesome. Chair Model has great ensemble work too, plus it'll melt the hearts of many a viewer. Goodbye Toby is just great in every way The Office is; it's hysterically funny and twisted, but also really sweet in the best of ways, and incredibly well-acted. I'm dying to include Money because it's just so fucking good, but I can't imagine just including one half and I don't want to cut out Goodbye Toby or the two halves of the hour-longs. Then again, the producers/whoever sends these in could go many ways with the episodes they submit. The only one I would suggest they don't submit is Night Out, because it's both very very dark and very very weird.
Goooo Office!!!! Only a month and a half until Emmy nominations get announced!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
can't believe I haven't mentioned this...
That's four months!!! The strike was longer. We can get through this!!!
(30 Rock doesn't start until October 30, WTF :( )
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Sunday in the Park with George
Oh, and in the taxi on the way to the theater they had one of those Taxi TV things and Brian Baumgartner was on it!!! I shrieked in joy.
I really need to see this new Indy movie.
Friday, May 23, 2008
reading several Office boards, I can come to a few conclusions...
b. Give it up, Team Karen. Yeesh, they are scary raging feminists. (Though, I kind of think I'm all about Karen/Andy. That is a couple made in heaven.)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
IMDb's trivia today is dawesome.
Yes, I know the answer (see the labels to this entry...)...
Dammit YouTube.
????, did she actually shave it? Or is it a prosthetic/cap? Natalie Portman set the standard for celebrities that go bald, and she still didn't look amazing. Cameron looks...bad. Though, of course, that lack of vanity, especially from an actress like her, is to be applauded.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
the first REAL S5 spoiler?
In case it gets deleted, here's what it says:
The season premiere is called "Bowling Match," and it is written and directed by Greg Daniels. It will air September 18. The synopsis reads as follows: "To promote sportsmanship after Ryan is charged with the possession of drugs, Michael takes the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch bowling to honor him. Pam returns from the graphics design school with a surprise for Jim. Kevin pursues a relation with Holly at the bowling alley."
Well, I kind of think it's BS, as it's on Wikipedia, which had a fake "Goodbye, Toby" synopsis ending in Toby dying in a plane crash on the way to Costa Rica, and Michael adopting Sacha (poor Sacha. What's going to happen to Sacha?). While I think the writers probably have the fifth season mapped out, I don't think they have, you know, individual episodes. Plus, the description sounds like an NBC synopsis, and not like a spoiler (like, if I stole a S5 script and knew everything that happened in it, you bet your ass I wouldn't just do a calm little synopsis on Wikipedia. I'd mention every detail. Though, maybe it's not so official - they have a confused pronoun with the honoring him. Is it Michael or Ryan?). But, if it's true... this sounds pretty funny, though I'm sure it will be met with "waahhhh they left the office!!!" complaints. And I'm glad they're doing something with Ryan's drug side plot. Otherwise, it didn't seem all that necessary. It didn't hurt, but he could have just been a power-hungry asshole without the drugs, too. I'm glad, too, that it doesn't seem that Jim and Pam broke up (they better be engaged), but what could that surprise be? She found someone new (seriously doubt it)? She's pregnant? She got a job in NY? She's best friends with Karen? She got in touch with her arty side and now she thinks the glasses are hot and she's going to wear them all the time? ;) Oh, and YAY Holly!
Time will tell. Time will tell.
"Goodbye, Toby" has some amazing deleted scenes.
I love Holly Flax.
Oh my God, Phyllis coming alive! I like it.
In your face, super creepy Toby. JAM is toooooo cute here.
Featuring Hot!Angry!Jim and Dwight being hysterical.
Is it too much to ask for that we see the proposal in the sixth scene? :P
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
One reason why Knocked Up is way better than 40YOV
Judd Apatow is far from brilliant, but at least Knocked Up is funny and sweet as opposed to... terrible.
Baby showdown.
(me) (10:43:11 PM): i know
(me) (10:43:17 PM): they are now legally obligated to just gaze at each others' beauty all day long
(friend) (10:43:27 PM): just wait till she gives birth
(friend) (10:43:53 PM): its going to be a shiloh/brangelina twins vs. alba baby ultimate pretty smackdown
News from Cannes.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona is good.
The Exchange (new name for Changeling, apparently) is awesome, and everyone that runs an Oscar site whines, "Not Clint Eastwood again waaahhhh!!!!!"
Monday, May 19, 2008
It turns out it wasn't the first time SNL took on The Office...
Hah! Rashida's actually there! Awesome!
Now I can go back to being annoyed by Cate Blanchett!
Scarlett Johansson, again.
Season 4 Ranked.
My friend Disray got new spects.
13. "Night Out"
He said, "If I'm dead, you guys have been dead for weeks."
12. "Launch Party"
Would it really be better if it said "lanch party"?!
11. "Job Fair" (not screencapped)
You know what? Screw this.
10. "Branch Wars"
The Party-Planning Committee is my backup, and Kevin's band is my safety.
9. "Survivor Man"
Blacks do crack! Not crack the drug.
8. "Local Ad"
I looked away for a second and Creed snatched your hash browns.
7. "Dunder-Mifflin Infinity"
I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm excited.
6. "Did I Stutter?"
Some idiot named Mark Greg Sputnik will claim credit for it.
5. "Fun Run"
European offices are naked all the time.
4. "Goodbye, Toby" (not screencapped)
Oooh, I would have never treated her so bad when I was outside of prison!
3. "Dinner Party"
Why didn't you just say 49ers quarterback?
2. "Chair Model"
What part of shorn't don't you understand, Kevin?
1. "Money"
Oh, I thought you asked me what our chances were of being murdered here tonight.
Dammit, movies! Be good so I want to write about you and not The Office, boohoo :(
Sunday, May 18, 2008
And of course...
When they cut to "Stanley," I pretty much die.
S5 speculation pre-spoilers.
Michael / Holly / Jan
I hope hope hope hope Holly will stick around, I love her. Jan's baby isn't a surrogate's, though I'm not sure if it's Michael's or, like, Hunter's, and how that will end up coming out. This relationship won't be resolved entirely during the season. I'm very interested to see how this plays out, because while I now fully believe Michael and Holly are destined to be ;), Jan is no Roy/Karen, plus it's not like Michael to just abandon a pregnant woman. I think Michael will become a little more Michael-y around Holly. This is a woman that made a joke about an orgy, she can handle a "that's what she said." Kevin will make a major move on Holly ;)
It makes no sense to have Jim not propose before Pam leaves for NY. If the writers don't have that happen, it'll only be to create artificial tension and then I'll be pissed. If the season begins with Pam saying, "oh, yeah, I thought Jim wasn't really committed, so we kind of broke up over the summer..." I'll fucking throw something. I'll also throw something if Pam meets "a cute artsy guy that opens up her eyes to how life really is" or some shit. I'm terrified the writers will break them up over the summer, but if they're not broken up and they're not engaged when they come back, they'll be engaged by the end of the fourth hour-long episode. Also, something keeps nagging me about the fact that Pam didn't see when her art school started. Maybe we'll find out she accidentally applied to be in the class of 2085? Or something will come up and she won't be able to go?
Phyllis will hold the Dwangela liaison over Angela's head for a while to gain "political control" over the Party-Planning Committee (see my post on "Goodbye, Toby"). Part of the way through the season, and not through Phyllis, Andy will find out about what happened (I wanna see some Andy wedding planning :D!), and be heartbroken but get over it really quickly. Dwangela will get back secret, of course. And, hopefully, we'll all learn what happened between Andy's proposal and the tag.
Ryan Issues
The stock of Dunder-Mifflin will probably plummet after the scandal, so maybe there'll be downsizing worries again. As far as people taking over Ryan's job, maybe Karen? She won't cause JAM issues this time. She'll be like, Jan before she went crazy. It could work; Rashida's other show got cancelled. Maybe Jim will get it, which would work on various levels, but... they already took Jim out of the office before. It'd just be a rehashing of that story line. Maybe it'll be a totally new character? Ryan is not gone for good. Steve Carell's episode with jury duty or whatever might have to do with Ryan's trial. Oh, God, imagine if all his former Scranton co-workers would have to testify... I think, between Kelly and Jim, they'd have to put him in jail for life! Though, Michael would give a hilariously positive review...
We'll just get little moments. Kelly will break up with Darryl for good if Ryan comes back into the picture.
I do not think it will be any of the following:
1. Jim 'n' Pam 'n' luv 'n' NY
2. Ryan in jail
3. Toby in Costa Rica
4. except for maybe Andy, something that has anything to do with the characters we know now.
I'd still love to see Andy & Here Comes Treble touring cross-country ;) but I doubt that will happen. The thing that would make the most sense would be for them to cover another branch or Corporate, but I don't see how that could be all that different from the original Office. But... I really don't think the spin-off is going to involve characters we know already (again, except for maybe Andy, looking for love and a perfect rhythm section).
Hmm. Of course, I'll be back with more thoughts as more spoilers trickle in (soon, please!).
I love SNL right now.
(my dad on AIM) (12:03:44 AM): the guy who did jim really nailed him
- Oh, how I was tempted to throw out a "that's what she said"...
and the cut to a black guy playing a crossword puzzle KILLED ME.
Also, Carol! And John Effing McCain! I'm not voting for him, but at least he's funny.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Steve Carell's on SNL tonight.
I've heard rumors of other guests on the show... but I don't know if they're Office-related or not. If JKras shows up, though, I shall squee of delight. ;)
Whoops. Never did do those Pulpys for Best Picture.
Best Picture, Drama
Death Proof
Michael Clayton
No Country for Old Men
* There Will Be Blood *
Best Picture, Musical/Comedy
Charlie Wilson's War
* Enchanted *
The Savages
That took long enough, no...? I had some pictures and stuff but now I am laaaazy. Which is also, I suppose, what happened to my "top 5 moments of every Office episode" posts...
You Don't Mess with the Zohan
Friday, May 16, 2008
"Goodbye, Toby."

- I loved this episode. As far as season finales go, yeah it wasn't as good as "The Job" or "Casino Night," but it was still really excellent. I have faith in the writers. A lot of the JAMcentric forums are freaking out about how it was the worst/one of the worst episodes ever, but I feel like if Andy had interrupted anyone else's proposal, no one would really care. Even if you did hate the last ten minutes - and yeah, they were actually fucking painful at times, so much so that I'm not all that excited to rewatch - you had to admit the first fifty were brilliant.
- I do admit the JAM engagement thing was a bit nasty of the writers. If that's the way it was gonna go, they might as well not have brought it up. But... I'm pretty convinced they'll be engaged in the S5 premiere. If they're not, that is bullshit and out of character and all that. If they break up because of the lack of proposal that we saw, I'll be furious. Yeah, I know those two haven't always been A+ with the communication in the past...but that was before they were dating. There's no way Jim wouldn't have been able to pick up on the fact that she was really upset, and told her something like, "Pam, I was planning on proposing to you tonight, but Andy stole my thunder and I thought it would really cheapen my proposal. But I love you, and it's still coming, and it's still gonna kick your ass," or just proposing right there. Like I was saying, I guess my big problem was the episode ending with Pam almost in tears. That wasn't the right note to go out on. Something better would have been Jim, saying, like, "Well, tonight wasn't my night, but it will be. Soon. (grin)" I think I said exactly that earlier, so whatever. Also, you can't tell me Pam's so stupid she didn't realize Andy proposing might have taken the wind out of Jim's sails toward doing the same. I kind of think this episode was like, one half of an episode, and the S5 season premiere will be the second half in that it'll answer all our questions. Plus, let's think optimistically here. S2 ended with OMG JOY!!!! and then when S3 came back, we all got a kick in the pants. S4 ended with a kick in the pants, and hopefully when we come back with S5, we'll all be like OMG JOY!!!!
- Jim Halpert, your timing sucks. Call back to S3 finale: "we just never got the timing right..." yeah, no kidding. Boohoo.
- I would like to state that I am the one that jinxed the JAM engagement. At 9:35, I said, out loud, "huh, where's Andy? He hasn't been here all episode." Guys, I'm really sorry :(
- that parking lot is cursed.
- The acting was outstanding this episode. Steve, John, Jenna, Rainn, Amy, Ed, Angela, Brian, Phyllis, Melora, take a bow, all of you. John, Angela, and Melora better get big fat Emmy nominations for this episode alone (well, they all should. But I was just naming three that don't have them), and if Amy Ryan somehow gets a "guest actress" nomination I will cry in happiness.
- Ugh, I LOVE Holly, and Amy Ryan was fantastic. Please, Amy, don't give in to the bazillion movie offers you undoubtedly have now! Stay with The Office! Her and Michael are destined to be. :D
- I'm quite disappointed that Michael let Toby go to his goodbye party. Damn him trying to impress Holly ;)
- the Holly/Kevin story was absolutely one of the greatest things this series has ever come up with. Dwight K. Schrute came up with a prank that rivaled any of Mr. Halpert's.
- Creed's talking head (hiding behind the fridge, which made it even funnier) made me laugh so hysterically that my dad, who I was watching it with, was like, "(Justine Credible), it's not that funny." OH YES IT IS.
- "The real crime was the beard." LMAOOOOO!!!! This is why I love Oscar!
- again, see the post about prophetic Prison Mike. Jim's voice mails to Ryan were fucking genius. Ryan totally got what he deserved, but I think he's far from gone for good.
- Kelly's TH about Ryan in jail was awesome.
- the exit interview!!! "Who do you think you are? What gives you the right?" I want to ask Jen Celotta those questions over at OfficeTally. ;)
- Jim: "I'm gonna propose tonight. Holy crap!" Oh, happy-first-half!Jim. There is so much I need to warn you about... and yet, tragically, I cannot.
- MOSE! I love how Meredith can't stay away from those rabid animals.
- the Pam/Toby stuff, as far as I'm concerned, is just her being nice and the writers throwing one last bit of dramatic irony at us, like if Toby had really tried in S3, he might have gotten her. He's gone, so they're not gonna do anything with that storyline.
- I do not, in any way, buy Jan's "it's a surrogate" story. Her TH about "making this one count..." ouch... And yeah, when Kevin called Michael and was like "you gotta see this," I was like, ooh, here we go with the crazy knocked-up Jan! Why did that have to be the prediction I was sure of that I got right :(
- obviously, Andy is dead to me now ;), but he was so sweet and cute and Andy-like when he proposed (tiny hand!), even though I was basically screaming "NO! NO NO NOOOOO!!!" at the television. It's too bad that engagement is obviously doomed. Poor Andy doesn't deserve what he's going to get. I thought being rejected by Michael, triumphed over by Dwight, etc., in "The Return," was good "punishment" for his behavior. He doesn't deserve Angela fucking Dwight like an hour after he proposes, that's just mean. Dude, Andy, I told you: seek out Karen. :P
- the men of Dunder-Mifflin are insane when it comes to engagement rings. Jim got his a week into the relationship (that's totally understandable in-context, but out of it...?). Andy's been carrying around one for six years. Also, in this show, when an engagement involves a microphone, you will either be cringing or yelling "NO NO NO NOOOO!!!!" after it ("Booze Cruise," "Diwali," this one).
- I loved Angela's incredible enthusiasm when she accepted Andy's proposal.
- oh, and Andy: way to keep an eye on your new fiancee.
- Dwight's "it's my own fault" destroyed my heart. Oh, Possum. :(
- I CAN'T GET OVER THAT FUCKING TAG. SO AMAZING. I just want to know what happened between Andy proposing and that tag...
- I am gleeful over the possibilities of Phyllis-Angela wars next year. God, Phyllis is gonna blackmail the shit out of Angela. Here is a sample dialogue that the writers can feel free to steal from me without credit.
Pam: So, what time should we have the party start?
Angela: 12:30.
Phyllis: Really? Because I was thinking the party should start at noon.
Phyllis: (significant look to Angela) The party. Will start. At noon.
Angela: ... (pissed off, defeated) the party will start at noon.
Pam: (very confused look)
I would also very much enjoy it if the line "you know what I think is kind of whorish, Angela? Having sex in the office with a man that's not your fiance!" was said at some point.
- DID I MENTION THE TAG???!?!?!??!?!
So basically, guys, I'm holding out to S5. IS IT SEPTEMBER YET?!??!?!?!??!
Not coincidence.
One last thing before I (attempt to) go to bed...
HOLY *BEEEEEEP* I just figured out a story line. So, Steve Carell was going to write an episode with people serving jury duty, right? Um, that's totally going to be Ryan's trial, right?!?!
Let's have faith.
PAM: Yeah, it sucks but it'll be great.
Let's all just watch this and breathe deep and think happy thoughts...
A lot of people are furious about this episode. I'm not. I loved it; yeah, it would have been amazing if Jim and Pam got engaged, but I loved it anyway. Then again, I love everything The Office chooses to be. But if I do have one suggestion...why did we have to end with Pam all upset? That wasn't necessary and only creates drama, which they don't need. It would have been better if it ended with a talking head of Jim, saying "Well, tonight wasn't my night. But it will be soon."
More later, of course.
Also, how long until a LiveJournal icon comes up that says "Cockblock is the name of me" with Andy on stage? Hell, I'd make one myself if I knew how the heck to do anything with Photoshop.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The writers of The Office are evil fuckers. And I LOVE THEM SO MUCH FOR IT.
THAT TAG!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! (when I heard the ... noises ... I was a bit terrified it was going to be Pam and Toby.)
IS IT SEPTEMBER YET???????? (mantra over the summer: he proposed when they got home. he proposed when they got home. he proposed when they got home. ALJLGJDLGJLJG)
1. Will someone propose? If so, who?
Yes, Jim.
2. If there is a proposal, where will we see it?
We either won't see it (I'd love to see Jim attempting to propose the entire episode, but he keeps getting sidetracked by all the chaotic shit that's undoubtedly gonna go down, and then the tag is everyone leaving the amusement park for the day, and we see Jim grab Pam's hand, and the camera zooms in... and she's got a ring on. If we don't see it, it'll be one of those great "the writers don't spell everything out" moments, like what Pam's mom asked her before she answered "yeah I think I am," or what Jim wrote in his Christmas card) or it'll be something PERFECT that none of us thought of (think of the yogurt lid medal last year. I think most people said that Jim would choose Pam, but who knew that was what would make him decide?).
3. In which half hour will it happen if it does?
I kinda want to say first, just because those writers do love to fuck with us (in a good way!), but I think they know they've gotta put it at the end of the second. Apparently, a lot of people missed Andy's "Joe Sixpack" talking head and victory dance in "Chair Model" because they were so busy flailing and shrieking and crying and whatnot.
4. Will Darryl and Kelly stay together?
Yes, but there will be impending (Ryan-related?) drama for S5. I don't think the writers are gonna do very much with this storyline, as they haven't spent a lot of time on it (especially not post-strike), certainly not as much as S2 and S3 Ryan/Kelly.
5. Which, if any of these characters, will make an appearance: Mose, Todd Packer, Pam's mom, Karen?
Mose. This is wishful thinking, because Michael Schur said we might see him, and LORD KNOWS I LOVE ME SOME MOSE. I can't imagine how they'd get him on, but I have faith in the writers ;) Maybe Michael will invite Todd Packer to the carnival, and Todd will make ridiculously inappropriate and disgusting comments to Holly, and Michael will "save" her. I know they had an agreement to bring back Rashida for one more post-strike episode, but I can't imagine why they would. Maybe, with all the problems at Corporate, Michael tries to start a Justice League of Dunder-Mifflin Regional Managers, obviously inspired by his recent viewing of Iron Man.
6. Will Andy and Angela break up?
No, but there will be something that happens between Angela and Dwight that Andy doesn't know about ("Casino Night : "Goodbye, Toby" :: Jim : Dwight :: Pam : Angela :: Andy : Roy).
7. Will Dwight and Angela be mostly reconciled by the end?
I can't tell if they'll talk about their problems, or if Angela will just be like "SHUT UP AND KISS ME." At any rate, some Dwangelandy drama's goin' down.
8. Will Michael talk to Jan again?
Um. YES!
9. Will anyone be revealed as pregnant and if so, who is the father?
Someone is definitely pregnant. I'm almost sure it's Jan, with Michael as the father, because if anyone could mess up a vasectomy, it would be Michael Scott. Or, quite possibly, Hunter/someone else ridiculously twisted is the father, but he doesn't want to support the baby, so Jan goes to the one man she knows will support her through anything. This possibility is definitely viable, because assuming Jan got pregnant in November, the last time she was with Michael, she'd be pretty pregnant by now, and actually due before September (season premiere).
10. How will the Ryan/Jim issue be resolved?
Because of his problems with the law, Ryan will be demoted, fired, moved to Scranton again, or forced to go to rehab or something, and Jim will confront him (but in a very Jim way, IE not obnoxious). A few people were saying Ryan would find that he couldn't fire Jim because he got the big client, and that Ryan would try to go after Pam to hurt Jim. I can't see this happening. Ryan is not a good person, but he's not evil. He's not unsalvageable. If he tries to fire Pam, though... well, holy shit, he's evil.
11. Will Michael say something inappropriate within 10 seconds of meeting Holly?
Try 5. 3?
12. Will there be a fire, and if so, where?
Ryan is totally starting a fire at Corporate with a cheesy pita ;) If that doesn't happen, though, a fire is not happening (though maybe Toby will burn down the Dunder-Mifflin building, as he said he would on his last day of work in some deleted scene in S3). And yes, I think this is a fire as in one with flames, and not a firing. How hard would it have been to say "firing"? We're probably just overanalyzing the wording.
13. Will Ryan get in trouble with the law and if so, why?
Yes, for burning down Corporate's offices with a cheesy pita ;) I know I've been offering that scenario up as a joke, but if it actually happens, I'm totally taking credit. Actually, I'd love to see Ryan get in trouble for something little and stupid, like jaywalking, and then when the cops go to talk to him, he's like "YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME!!! DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?!?!" and the cops investigate further and discover his cocaine habit. If he's arrested on a serious note, it may be for embezzlement of Dunder-Mifflin funds to buy more drugs.
14. Is Toby really leaving? If not, who is? Does whoever leave head the spin-off?
Yes, Toby is really leaving. He has nothing to do with the spin-off (well, maybe Paul Lieberstein will help produce/write for it). Maybe S5 will start with this talking head from Michael: "TOBY IS GONE! HE'S GONE! OH I MISS HIM SO MUCH! I CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP AT NIGHT! TOBY!!! False. I do not miss him."
15. Will Toby make it to Costa Rica alive?
The title "Goodbye, Toby" is freakin' me out a little, but yes, I think he will. It'd be so bleak if his plane crashes. Toby hasn't been very awesome lately, but he in no way deserves death. His character is tragic enough as is. At any rate, poor Sacha :(
16. Will Pam decide to go to another city for a while to further her career?
Not right now. She's not leaving without Jim and they're not writing Jim and Pam off The Office.
17. If there is a final surprise at the very end, what will it be?
There will be, but I don't know what it will be. That's why it's gonna be a surprise ;) NO WAIT! I KNOW! Creed finally gets his three chairs... and takes over the world!!!!!!!
Other random things not addressed here:
- OMG JIM AND PAM PROPOSAL!!!! Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. I think it's really sweet that while the office/Dunder-Mifflin is having a mental breakdown day (Ryan troubles! Toby leaving! Hazing the new HR lady! Crazy pregnant Jan coming back! God knows what else!), they'll be (hopefully? maybe? PLEEEEEASE?) getting engaged. It's just so them; even from the pilot, they've been each others' life rafts at D-M Scranton. I like my earlier engagement idea where we don't see it, but I also love the idea of the final tag being one of Michael's talking heads, where he's like "oh GEEEEEEZ, what a DAY!" and he starts going on in a Michael-ish way, and in the very distant background, we see Jim and Pam. He gets down on one knee, takes her hand, holds out the ring, she nods yes, he stands up, slides the ring on her finger, and they embrace. UGH, I LOVE IT. I wish I wrote for The Office except that would be the worst idea ever.
- Okay, a lot of you (or the 1 person that reads this blog) are probably wondering what that "carnival" is that I keep referring to. Well, apparently, Angela and Phyllis get into a party-planning war over Toby's goodbye party. I'm convinced, based on the promos, that after all the drama has unfolded, Phyllis is just like "screw it" and brings them all to a carnival.
- Michael will not let Toby go to his own goodbye party.
- Kevin will say things that are hilarious.
- Stanley will be grumpy and sassy.
- Holly and Michael will really hit it off (it'll be like Carol, where she's normal and finds herself charmed by him at first, and Michael has learned much since dating Carol. Women don't like it when you propose to them on the ninth date. He will wait until the tenth), and then JAN BABY MAMA DRAMA. S5 might be about Michael choosing between Jan and Holly, but I don't know how much Amy Ryan's going to want to commit to The Office. She's gotta have a gazillion offers for jobs.
- Toby will sort of try for Pam and fail miserably. Like, he'll go up to her with his chest all puffed out and looking more confident than he ever has, and then he'll just look at her and he'll deflate and mutter some noises and walk away. It ain't gonna be a "Casino Night" for Toby.
- You know what I'd love to see in the series finale? Andy finds love...with "the fair Filippelli." After all, they are the Sam and Diane of Dunder-Mifflin Stamford! ;)
- I want to see Jim kick Pam's ass figuratively... and Ryan's ass literally. Nah, Jim's too nice for that... unfortunately.
OH MY GOD THIS IS GONNA BE AMAZING!!!! I almost want to say that there's no way we haven't thought of every possibility, but who the hell thought that was how Pam was gonna get Jim back last year? Or that Ryan would get the job? Oh my God, am I too excited? YES!!!!! Do I care? NO!!!!!!!! IT'S OFFICE FINALE THURSDAY!!!!!!
things we know about the finale/S4 in general
- the season finale is called "Goodbye, Toby"
- Ryan has a grudge against Jim because Jim talked to David Wallace about the failures of Dunder-Mifflin Infinity, and because Wallace seems to like Jim better; it looks like Ryan's trying to get Jim fired. Toby is letting Ryan get away with threatening and warning Jim, and putting him on probation, probably because of his creepy crush on Pam.
- Pam learned that the best introductory graphic design programs were in New York and Philadelphia
- Toby announced that he is moving to Costa Rica
- Jan and Michael broke up, and Michael is now "looking for love"
- Andy Buckley (David Wallace) expected to be called back for at least one post-strike episode (we haven't seen him yet)
- Dwight enters a management training program
- Dwight sues some kids in small claims court over "agricultural disputes"
- Dwight goes on a few dates
- Rashida Jones has an agreement that allows her to come back for post-strike one episode, if the producers want her there (we haven't seen her yet)
- someone leaves D-M at the end of the season
- ...and it's not Pam or Michael
- ...and the Dwight/Michael relationship has been called "too important" to let Dwight leave
- ...and John Krasinski said he's not leaving the show, and Kate Flannery said it wasn't him either
- there's apparently a "nice cliffhanger"
- Jim and Pam either get engaged, elope, or have sex
- Jim and Pam do not break up
- at least one scene was filmed in front of a green screen
- an Office couple will get engaged
- Amy Ryan plays the new HR woman, Holly
- Michael is instantly enamored with Holly
- there may be three plot twists that profoundly impact Angela, Dwight, Andy, Jan, Toby, Michael, Jim, and Pam. These plot twists, if they exist, will include three of the following: an engagement, a pregnancy, a death, an infidelity, a fire (confusing this fire as in, you know, with flames and stuff, or fire as in a firing?), and a coming out.
- Mose may appear again
- Angela and Phyllis have a little war over Toby's goodbye party, which Andy plays a part in, in some way
- Jan is coming back
- Roy is not coming back
- Michael throws a huge party for Toby leaving to celebrate "the joy in his heart"
- Dwight and Meredith "haze" Holly
- Kevin is involved in the hazing of Holly, though he doesn't know it
- Kevin is "on the prowl" in the finale
- a Dunder-Mifflin lady is pregnant
- Ryan gets in trouble with the law, but "not for the reason you think"
- apparently, according to Steve Carell, "Ed Helms full frontal" ;)
(Edited 5/15 to put this entry on top. That's what she said.)
A post not about the Office on Office Finale Thursday?!?!?!?
Pardon me. Yeah, I'm just the tiniest bit excited.
Oh my God, at this time tomorrow, I'll have to wait until September to get really excited (maybe not. WEBISODES!!!!). AAAHHH!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Ten years ago today, another pretty good television show had a milestone.
Though I've heard it called "unfunny and masturbatory" (?!?!) from non-NYers, if you're at all familiar with New York, seriously, Seinfeld rocks. Words can't describe how perfectly funny it is.
Happy birthday Sofia Coppola!
In honor of Office week, of course. Jim Halpert's a rock star. I love "Local Ad," I think it's great, but these deleted scenes would have pushed it, perhaps, into the top 20 episodes. Maybe. There are so many to choose from!!!!
Tony nomination reactions.
August: Osage County
Rock 'N Roll
The Seafarer
The 39 Steps
August has this all wrapped up.
Best Musical
In the Heights
Passing Strange
To be fair, Xanadu is a ton of fun. It's kinda schadenfreuden-ly good to see Young Frankenstein get snubbed after what a terrible disappointment it was and Mel Brooks' obnoxiousness (though I love him) in promoting it. I've heard In the Heights is "the new Rent!", which is, of course, what we all heard about Spring Awakening last year.
Best Revival of a Play
The Homecoming
Les Liai - ah, fuck it. Dangerous Liaisons
Apparently Macbeth rocks. But Dangerous Liaisons has Laura Linney...
Best Revival of a Musical
South Pacific
Sunday in the Park with George
I've heard amazing things about the last three, and I've heard that Grease is beyond horrendous. I'm seeing Sunday soon, so I'll report back, and I hope to catch Gypsy.
Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play
Ben Daniels :: Dangerous Liaisons
Laurence Fishburne :: Thurgood
Mark Rylance :: Boeing-Boeing
Rufus Sewell :: Rock 'N' Roll
Patrick Stewart :: Macbeth
Again, what I've heard about all these guys is just great.
Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Play
Eve Best :: The Homecoming
Deanna Dunagan :: August: Osage County
Kate Fleetwood :: Macbeth
S. Epatha Merkerson :: Come Back, Little Sheba
Amy Morton :: August: Osage County
Yes, I've heard Dunagan, Morton, and Fleetwood are outstanding. You know who else I heard is outstanding, and I certainly believe it, and I will be running out to catch her play ASAP? LAURA LINNEY. I repeat: THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS DON'T KNOW HOW TO ACT.
Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Play
Bobby Cannavale :: Mauritius
Raul Esparza :: The Homecoming
Conleth Hill :: The Seafarer
Jim Norton :: The Seafarer
David Pittu :: Is He Dead?
Lord knows I love me some Raul Esparza. After being quite tragically robbed last year, I'm hoping he wins it here. Though, I've got no idea who's "supposed" to win. Bobby Cannavale is hot.
Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Play
Sinead Cusack :: Rock 'N' Roll
Mary McCormack :: Boeing-Boeing
Laurie Metcalf :: November
Martha Plimpton :: Top Girls
Rondi Reed :: August: Osage County
The Osage County chick will probably win. Top Girls is an absolutely fascinating play... I don't know if it's any good play-wise (it's so weird, and I don't know if it ever really makes any sort of statement...), but it's totally bizarre.
Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical
Daniel Evans :: Sunday in the Park with George
Lin-Manuel Miranda :: In the Heights
Stew :: Passing Strange
Paulo Szot :: South Pacific
Tom Wopat :: A Catered Affair
Stew? Is that like, his entire name? Szot is a weird name too, but at least he's got an actual first and last name. I heard A Catered Affair is awful.
Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical
Kerry Butler :: Xanadu
Patti LuPone :: Gypsy
Kelli O'Hara :: South Pacific
Faith Prince :: A Catered Affair
Jenna Russell :: Sunday in the Park with George
I can't stand Kelli O'Hara. She's like a vacant wind-up doll that stands there and sings and looks pretty when you want her to, but who can't really act. Hopefully, and I am under this impression from reading around and stuff, my personal goddess LA LUPONE has this mofo.
Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical
Daniel Breaker :: Passing Strange
Danny Burstein :: South Pacific
Robin De Jesus :: In the Heights
Christopher Fitzgerald :: Young Frankenstein
Boyd Gaines :: Gypsy
Sure. Fitzgerald was good.
Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical
de'Adre Aziza :: Passing Strange
Laura Benanti :: Gypsy
Andrea Martin :: Young Frankenstein
Olga Merediz :: In the Heights
Loretta Ables Sayre :: South Pacific
Martin was good, but I love Laura Benanti, and by all accounts she's quite spectacular in Gypsy. Hopefully, it can capture both "Actress in a Musical" categories :)
Dude. It took THIS LONG to get Sondheim an honorary Tony for lifetime achievement in the theater? THAT AIN'T RIGHT. You know what else ain't right? SNUBBING LAURA LINNEY. THOSE FUCKERS.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
This trailer, on the other hand...
Why don't they just call it Atonement 2 and be done with it? Does Keira Knightley REALLY say "come back to me"???!?!?!?
I'm intrigued.
Oh, and I love the title. It makes no sense. Vicky and Cristina in Barcelona? Is "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" someone's name? Plus, I love Barcelona. So, yeah, I'm pretty excited.
..."Barcelona" is one of those words that loses meaning the more you look at it.
Not-so-dear Tony voters,
Not love,
Justine Credible
PS more comments later on these, even though I haven't seen much (and I forgot the Tony nominations came out this week...surprise, surprise)
OH GOD, I DID IT. (twss)

Oh JOHN. You are so much better than this. So, for that matter, are Brian (who was terrible. It didn't help that his role is like, the awful sitcom version of Kevin. And he was playing a guy named JIM!), Angela (I expected her to say "I think inscribing 'never to fart' on a ring is kind of whorish"), and Mindy (was she playing a character called "Shelly" who talks a lot? Really? Did they have no other ideas?). And, quite frankly, so are Mandy (who's charming, and who has a pretty voice, but who should stay really far away from acting based on this movie and the others I've seen with her in them) and Robin.
It wasn't painful bad, like, uh, Date Movie, but it was pretty bad. I think John Krasinski was the best part of it, and holy shit he looked hot, but yeah. Bad.
Random notes:
- They went to Sandals, Jamaica!
- John Krasinski is so hot!
- I enjoyed when they called Ben "affable." John Krasinski? An affable person/playing an affable character? No way.
- JKras' friend told him to go swim with the tuna! TUUUUUUUNAAAA!!!!!
- John Krasinski and Mandy Moore have no chemistry. They didn't give bad performances (though they weren't very good, or anything, and the scene on the beach where they were like "I love you" was pretty painful, but I kind of blame the fact that the camera KEPT GOING AROUND IN CIRCLES GARRRR), but their chemistry was non-existent, even at that part in the movie when they kept making out. Which, I suppose, goes to show how awesome Jenna Fischer is.
- It was weird seeing John's character thinking about getting engaged/how to propose, etc., considering what we all know is coming on Thursday ;)
- John Krasinski is so hot! Like, all the various scenes where he was just wearing a t-shirt? OH MY GOD.
So, all this really did was make me more excited to see Jim propose... ;)
In honor of Office week...
Monday, May 12, 2008
the episodes, ranked, of...
Mindy Kaling
Show role: Kelly Kapoor
Overall analysis: Mindy has two episodes that are absolutely obsession-worthy, including my all-time favorite, a few that are very solid, and then a couple that are among the weaker episodes of the series. Along these lines, I gotta say that I think if "The Injury" was an episode today, it would be viciously attacked. It's too over-the-top! They leave the office! It's too over-the-top! The characters aren't right! Michael is too stupid! There isn't enough JAM! Waaahh physical comedy! It's too over-the-top! That's not an insult of "The Injury," which is effing amazing, but an insult of the ridiculous critiques of S4.
Episode ranking (best-worst):
"The Dundies" (good on you for writing the greatest episode ever, Mindy ;) )
"The Injury"
"Branch Wars"
"Take Your Daughter to Work Day"
"Ben Franklin"
"Night Out"
"Hot Girl"
BJ Novak
Show role: Ryan Howard
Overall analysis: Excellent writer, maybe the most consistently excellent they have. His episodes are either fantastic or very good. He gets even more bonus points because "Diversity Day" was the second episode ever, and it came after the Pilot, which was basically just the British Office Pilot rewritten, so it must have been really difficult to write that. Secretly, I'd like to see his high school classmate write some episodes, though...
More Bonus Points: If you've ever been to his MySpace, you know his favorite movies. They are Adaptation., The King of Comedy, The Apartment, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Taxi Driver, Chungking Express, Casablanca, Divorce - Italian Style, Pulp Fiction, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, No Country for Old Men, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, and The Naked Gun. Save The Naked Gun, which honestly, I've never seen, that's an effing amazing list. They're all great, and not even like, great-but-overrated great.
Episode ranking:
"Chair Model"
"Diversity Day"
"The Fire"
"Sexual Harassment"
"Local Ad"
"Boys and Girls"
"Safety Training"
Paul Lieberstein
Show role: Toby Flenderson
Overall analysis: Hmm. Well, Lieberstein wrote a few episodes that aren't that great, including one of only three "weak" episodes in the series, but his writing actually seems to be getting better. His latest two episodes, "Money" and "The Job," are two of the series' best. And of course, I'm totally expecting "Goodbye, Toby" to be the best episode of his of all. ;)
Episode ranking:
"The Job"
"Health Care"
"The Carpet"
"The Client"
"The Coup"
"Dwight's Speech"
Michael Schur
Show role: Mose Schrute
Overall analysis: Damn good writer. I was looking at the list of episodes he wrote, and I was like, damn, he wrote that one? And that one? None of his episodes are in my top 10, but save "The Alliance," which is still good (and which I think I'm underrating - most of S1 deserves a rewatch from me), and "Valentine's Day," which is, again, still good, they're all excellent.
Episodes ranked:
"Christmas Party"
"Branch Closing"
"Office Olympics"
"Dunder-Mifflin Infinity"
"Traveling Salesmen"
"The Return"
"The Negotiation"
"The Alliance"
"Valentine's Day"
Steve Carell
Show role: Michael Scott
Overall analysis: Hard to say. He's only written two (though one of them is, likely, if you polled all the Office fans across the world, the #1 episode. Yeah, it's probably for JAMmy reasons, but the episode is wonderful even without that storyline. As is, it's the best chocolate frosting in the world on an unbelievably delicious cake. yay, confused metaphors!). I love them both, though.
Episodes ranked:
"Casino Night"
"Survivor Man"
WHAT? It's Office week. Leave me alone!