Ah, Viggo. Despite your presence in a few movies, I can't say I ever really noticed you until 2001 and the Lord of the Rings series, where my first thought was "damn that guy pulls off long hair even better than Orlando Bloom." Since then, though, you've been a (happily) inescapable part of the movies. You were serviceable if not outstanding in the Lord of the Rings, but then came your work with Cronenberg...ahhhhh. You were a revelation in A History of Violence (I was never expecting a performance like that, and it was absolutely brilliant), and you're even better in Eastern Promises. Your nomination was completely deserved. You are incredibly talented, and I'm thrilled to say that you're now an Oscar nominee. Keep it up, and it won't be too long before you're a winner (The Road?).
I gotta say, though, when I look at your name for too long I just start to giggle. VIGGO!