...yay for "press releases." Oh and I suck at this, so if I go, like, 1/whatever, that would be why. Hah.
Best Picture - Drama: No Country for Old Men (alt. Atonement)
Best Picture - Musical/Comedy: Juno (alt. Sweeney Todd)
Best Actor - Drama: DDL (alt. Clooney)
Best Actor - M/C: Depp (alt. uh, Hoffman? Depp should win this quite easily.)
Best Actress - Drama: Christie (alt. Jolie)
Best Actress - M/C: Page (alt. Adams. Okay, I know I'm supposed to say alt. Cotillard BUT I'M NOT, OKAY???)
Best Supporting Actor: Bardem (alt. Affleck)
Best Supporting Actress: Ryan (alt. Blanchett)
Best Director: Coens (alt. Burton)
Best Screenplay: Juno (alt. Atonement)
Best Original Song: "Guaranteed," Into the Wild (alt. "That's How You Know," Enchanted)
Best Original Score: Atonement (alt. The Kite Runner)
Best Animated Film: Ratatouille (alt. The Simpsons Movie)
Best Foreign Language Film: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (alt. Lust, Caution)