... ain't "hipster crap." The first twenty or so minutes are kind of "oh no, not this again...," I know (Rainn Wilson, I love your most famous show and I love you on it, but not here). But after that, it turns into a really touching story about a girl who just happens to listen to the Moldy Peaches and be a complete smart-aleck, and those around her. It's a lovely movie, not about "look how cool Juno is," but about relationships - Juno and Paulie, Juno and Leah, Juno and her parents, Juno and Mark, Juno and Vanessa, Mark and Vanessa, her parents and Mark and Vanessa... When I first read the script without having seen the movie, I admit, I thought it was laughably bad. But - maybe it's a testament to the strength of the actors - it works so well on screen. The ending is unbelievably perfect. A lesser movie might end with Mark and Juno together, or Juno and Paulie keeping the baby, but this film strikes a perfect chord with its last scenes. It's such a cliche but: during Juno, I laughed and I cried. "Hipsters" never had such heart as Juno does, and I wish there was room for it on my top 10 (2007 is awesome). A-