David: Braaaaains... braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiinsssss...
Viggo: Oh my God. I am so nervous. I really... I think he kind of forgot to take his vitamins, don't you? Does he think I don't remember the end of To Die For? Please hide me.
David: So sweet......... so succulent.........
Viggo: Do you think he won't recognize me if I get a really bad haircut? God, I hope so.
Viggo: Oh my God. I am so nervous. I really... I think he kind of forgot to take his vitamins, don't you? Does he think I don't remember the end of To Die For? Please hide me.
David: So sweet......... so succulent.........
Viggo: Do you think he won't recognize me if I get a really bad haircut? God, I hope so.