Monday, May 19, 2008

Season 4 Ranked.

14. "The Deposition"
My friend Disray got new spects.

13. "Night Out"
He said, "If I'm dead, you guys have been dead for weeks."

12. "Launch Party"
Would it really be better if it said "lanch party"?!

11. "Job Fair" (not screencapped)
You know what? Screw this.

10. "Branch Wars"
The Party-Planning Committee is my backup, and Kevin's band is my safety.

9. "Survivor Man"
Blacks do crack! Not crack the drug.

8. "Local Ad"
I looked away for a second and Creed snatched your hash browns.

7. "Dunder-Mifflin Infinity"
I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm excited.

6. "Did I Stutter?"
Some idiot named Mark Greg Sputnik will claim credit for it.

5. "Fun Run"
European offices are naked all the time.

4. "Goodbye, Toby" (not screencapped)
Oooh, I would have never treated her so bad when I was outside of prison!

3. "Dinner Party"
Why didn't you just say 49ers quarterback?

2. "Chair Model"
What part of shorn't don't you understand, Kevin?

1. "Money"
Oh, I thought you asked me what our chances were of being murdered here tonight.

Dammit, movies! Be good so I want to write about you and not The Office, boohoo :(