Saturday, May 31, 2008

Complaints about The Office S4?

Does anyone notice that the only people really complaining about The Office's fourth season are those that were watching back in the second? Wow. I love S2, but people seem to forget that point in the season from "The Carpet" through and including "Michael's Birthday" that are just...not up to the quality of the rest of the season. It absolutely reeks of those people who love a band before it gets popular, then dismiss it when it does, claiming they "sold out." Am I saying people have no right to complain about The Office? Of course not. I have my issues with S4 episodes ("Night Out," "The Deposition," kidnapping the pizza boy, the Finer Things Club...), but it's not really better or worse than S2 or S3 (it's better than S1, but that's a given).

In conclusion, I fucking loved The Office Season 4, and I'm kind of tired of reading complaints that consist of nothing but "WAAHHH!! IT WASN'T LIKE SEASON 2!!!!!" I'll have a big post up about S4 eventually; I know I already ranked the episodes, but I moved a few around, and I'll have actual analyses of said episodes. "That's coming..." eventually. Just like Jim's proposal. ;)