Just because. Again. CATE YOU ARE AMAZING.
I'm just going to link to pictures and make snarky comments. Ya'll can just deal. You give me a boring (though far from objectionable) ceremony, Oscar, I give you a boring Oscar wrap-up post!
Firstly, since I'm probably not going to have the opportunity to address this through pictures: yes, Jon Stewart was fantastic again. I hope he hosts next year. As opposed to last year where 90% of the humor was from not the host, this year 90% of the humor was from the host. So many great bits - "Too often, the Academy ignores films that aren't good;" the line about black/women presidents and the asteroids; "staying the course" with Iraq films; Atonement and Yom Kippur (the Jews are right here, Jon!); him playing Wii; "man, that guy is so arrogant" after Glen Hansard's modest and heartfelt speech; Jack and the pregnant ladies; teen pregnancy as comic relief; Away from Her as the feel-good movie of the year; Lawrence of Arabia on his IPod; Cate Blanchett is everywhere; Dennis Hopper; and, of course, how incredibly classy it was when he bought Marketa back out to make her speech. LOVE him.
Many many thanks to IMDb, since this is basically just going to be me linking to their pictures and putting captions under them (too lazy and "I JUST WANNA GET THIS OVER WITH" to upload 'em all). Clever, I am...
Firstly, since I'm probably not going to have the opportunity to address this through pictures: yes, Jon Stewart was fantastic again. I hope he hosts next year. As opposed to last year where 90% of the humor was from not the host, this year 90% of the humor was from the host. So many great bits - "Too often, the Academy ignores films that aren't good;" the line about black/women presidents and the asteroids; "staying the course" with Iraq films; Atonement and Yom Kippur (the Jews are right here, Jon!); him playing Wii; "man, that guy is so arrogant" after Glen Hansard's modest and heartfelt speech; Jack and the pregnant ladies; teen pregnancy as comic relief; Away from Her as the feel-good movie of the year; Lawrence of Arabia on his IPod; Cate Blanchett is everywhere; Dennis Hopper; and, of course, how incredibly classy it was when he bought Marketa back out to make her speech. LOVE him.
Many many thanks to IMDb, since this is basically just going to be me linking to their pictures and putting captions under them (too lazy and "I JUST WANNA GET THIS OVER WITH" to upload 'em all). Clever, I am...
George Clooney is the king of Hollywood. What is he even doing in this picture? I don't know. But...he can do whatever he wants. He's George Clooney. LOVE.
I don't like this movie at all and this picture just absolutely warms the cockles of my heart. LOOK HOW CUTE. More on Once and the Oscars later; needless to say, I now feel like a completely heartless ogre for not liking it ;_;
I think Sarah Larson is a Moppet. YOU'RE AT THE OSCARS! WITH GEORGE CLOONEY!!!!! You should show emotion!!! And wear a dress that doesn't look like very expensive curtains!!! Okay, I am terribly jealous and that helps.
Amy Ryan looks really pretty but embodies the "OMG it's my first Oscar nomination I'm a stage actress I don't know what to do I'll just play it safe!!!" line of thought. In this particular picture, she also looks younger than Saoirse Ronan.
LOL, Paul Haggis. ROCK. I'm surprised, I haven't seen one "OMG PAUL HAGGIS WAS THERE AGAIN HE NEEDS TO DIE!!!!" post.
Diablo Cody was probably the worst-dressed on Oscar night, but somehow I would have been disappointed if she wasn't.
James McAvoy is so hot without the ratty little beard, but when he has it, like 90% of my attraction to him just evaporates. That's one hot accent, though. And he can repartee with the best of 'em. Still, he just looked like a ratty short dude with bad bad hair on Sunday night. Sorry, James. You were really good in Atonement! And your wife's dress is a pretty pretty color!
I don't like this movie at all and this picture just absolutely warms the cockles of my heart. LOOK HOW CUTE. More on Once and the Oscars later; needless to say, I now feel like a completely heartless ogre for not liking it ;_;
I think Sarah Larson is a Moppet. YOU'RE AT THE OSCARS! WITH GEORGE CLOONEY!!!!! You should show emotion!!! And wear a dress that doesn't look like very expensive curtains!!! Okay, I am terribly jealous and that helps.
Amy Ryan looks really pretty but embodies the "OMG it's my first Oscar nomination I'm a stage actress I don't know what to do I'll just play it safe!!!" line of thought. In this particular picture, she also looks younger than Saoirse Ronan.
LOL, Paul Haggis. ROCK. I'm surprised, I haven't seen one "OMG PAUL HAGGIS WAS THERE AGAIN HE NEEDS TO DIE!!!!" post.
Diablo Cody was probably the worst-dressed on Oscar night, but somehow I would have been disappointed if she wasn't.
James McAvoy is so hot without the ratty little beard, but when he has it, like 90% of my attraction to him just evaporates. That's one hot accent, though. And he can repartee with the best of 'em. Still, he just looked like a ratty short dude with bad bad hair on Sunday night. Sorry, James. You were really good in Atonement! And your wife's dress is a pretty pretty color!
"I'm Tommy Lee Jones and I have no chance of winning - not that it matters, I already have one - so I'm just gonna hold on to this pole. It worked for Diablo..."
Patrick Dempsey is also hot and I don't care how generic my opinion is in this matter SO THERE.
Laura Linney was just a bucket of smiles and sunshine the entire awards show. She has such a lovely, warm smile. LOVE HER. Not a particularly risky fashion choice, but she makes great acting look easy and she makes looking great look easy as well.
"Guys, I made you a biopic. A musical biopic. And you couldn't even throw me a frickin' Best Original Screenplay nod, just one for the chick as a dude that was guaranteed the day she was cast. I hate you all. But I'm still here."
I wonder if they're gonna make out again...
This dress is gorgeous, but Anne can't...quite...pull...it...off for some reason. I'm going to pretend that's for a reason other than I just don't like her, but it's probably not. Fantastic dress, though.
Helen Mirren is still totally hot in case you were wondering. Bitch, those sleeves are crystal!
That's gonna be one gorgeous baby. Jessica Alba pulls off that dress even with the weird feathers.
Keri Russell is very pretty, and she was very good in Waitress and uh, she was in August Rush too so I guess she had a good year, but she's like basically wearing Marion Cotillard's SAG dress right? Right?
This is right before The Buseying 2008, I believe. I love afterwards on that video clip; Laura Linney is just like "oh, look, another interview..." and she drags Jen Garner off and you see her talking to/comforting Jen in the background. Class act, that Linney.
"Worship my hot body. You know if I was ten years older I would have never won!" (The dress is well-played, Miss Marion. I don't know why anyone disliked it.)
"I'm kind of amazed I'm not dead yet."
Oh, Colin. Yes, you are genetically blessed in that you are very good-looking. No, this does not mean you can attend the Oscars with greasy unwashed hair and a severe lack of shaving. Also, on Sunday, whenever any Irish person spoke, I was like "whaaaa?" It's a great accent to be sure, but I needed subtitles.
Ladies and gentlemen! Come one, come all! See a man pull off earrings! And weird brown piping on his suit!
Johnny Depp ain't never gonna change. I feel like it is pointless to even acknowledge him at this point.
Javier Bardem has to hold off his crowd of newfound adoring female fans. I'm among them. DROOOOOOL.
Viggo Mortensen is almost unbearably sexy most of the time, but then sometimes he shows up with like three months' worth of beard and a weirdly glassy look and I'm just like "ooh, even you can't really do this." He is pulling off the coat though, for what it's worth.
Cate Blanchett looked amazing on Sunday, plus she has this Cate Blanchett Aura that just knocked me off my chair whenever she was on screen. Plus, she had the greatest moment of the night with that picture at the tippy-top. I think I am a little in love with her now. Stop me! Stop me, before I nominate her for Notes on a Scandal! Or Elizabeth: The Golden Age!
Rebecca Miller thought her dress was okay, but would not be totally complete without a last-minute run to the Arts 'N Crafts store for some bizarrely mismatching red ribbons (a tribute to There Will Be Blood? Maybe?) and a GIANT JEWEL BREASTPLATE FLOWER THING. What the hell?
That's how you pull off a stunning red dress, Hathaway.
I can't decide whether I liked this or not. On one hand, it's very pretty. On the other, it's even more boring than Amy Ryan's. On one hand, OMG SPARKLY. On the other hand, those things were off-center when she was presenting and OH MY GOD, IT DISTRACTED ME.
I am hoping that is not Amy Adams' boyfriend. *IMDbs* Oh, it's the guy who wrote The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I'm...still not sure why Jesus is hangin' all over him.
I always forget that they're together. Harrison looks like he farted and is giggling about it. /maturity
I LOVE Steve Carell. It just cracks me up that his wife was on The Office and their characters dated, but broke up (boo! Carol was so much better than mean ol' Jan). I'll talk about Steve more later...
P. Diddy or whatever he goes by: Sofia Coppola was so right...
God, they are a gorgeous couple. How hot is Josh Brolin? *drool*
ELLEN! Could this dress be any more boring??? Yes you are pretty! Yes you look good in it! BUT IT IS THE OSCARS.
The greatest Oscar couple I've ever seen. Spike looks like a pimp, which pleases me enormously. Wesley Snipes is...how did he get in the country? Doesn't matter, really. His suit is bright purple.
"My wife's tits are gonna pop out and I still won't smile. You can't make me. My brother got the joy gene."
"Keep trying as long as you want, Mr. Photographer Man. Seriously, I can be in the middle of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and I'm still not really smiling. I can be clowning around with awesome Don Cheadle - don't you just love Don Cheadle? - and I'm still not really smiling. For God's sake, even Clooney makes me only look sort of stoned. YOUR OSCARS DO NOT AMUSE ME."
I'm not gonna lie: I really don't like Penelope Cruz. And after a semester in Spain, too, I know, the shame ._. Yeah, she was really good in Volver and her other work with Almodovar, but I'm not falling all over myself to nominate her (Streep, Dern, Dench, Watts, Dunst, Weisz, Winslet, Mirren, Gyllenhaal, and Blanchett - German, duh, not Notes - were all better) and her work in English films is so bad it undoes all the good she gained from me for Volver. I don't like this dress either; I think it would have been much better to just cut it off after that layer of fuzzy stuff around her knees-ish, because as is right now it looks like it's demonstrating The Wonders of Puberty.
"I'm fabulous? Sort of? No? Okay I'll just go back to standing here."
I'll say it: Renee Zellweger's dress is gorgeous and flawless. If it was on anyone else, it would be getting raves and best-dressed lists everywhere. Unfortunately, Renee has to apparently have no eyes any more. Gah. I miss Bridget Jones' Diary. ;_; And with both Clooney and Zellweger present, they totally missed an opportunity to invite John Krasinski and promote Leatherheads like they promoted Get Smart.
Juno's BFFL is wearing a really styled garbage bag? Honest to blog? SORRY. COULDN'T RESIST.
FIX YOUR BANGS. I say it cuz I love, Jen.
This is the lowest-watt Laura Linney's smile was on the entire night.
I love Sarah Polley. She should already have an Oscar for her acting in The Sweet Hereafter, but whatever. There was also an amazing picture somewhere of her with Julie Christie.
OMG WHERE ARE HIS PAJAMAS???? On an unrelated note, I felt so proud of myself because I picked up that Vanity Fair with the Hitchcock photos and one of the headlines was "The Apartment New York Can't Stop Buzzing About" or something like that and I was like "oh, the Schnab's." And I was right.
I enjoy this picture because it looks like Javier is saying something she doesn't understand (en espanol?) and she's just looking at him in a sort of "whatever, I'll indulge you cuz you're hot!" way.
Oh, Tilda. I love her now, sort of. I love how she's like "I'm holding my Oscar up! Oscar! Yay! That's, like, what I'm supposed to do, right? This is so weird, I've never even been to one of these things before..."
Amy seems to dangerously incline against any man put in her vicinity. Or, Oscar is pulling her in because it knows she is its rightful owner. It knows!
"I'm so confused.."
This is what I believe the kids refer to as "fucking hotness."
I LOVE how these two were accepting their award and they were like "we really feel sympathy for the gay women this documentary portrayed, because we are ABSOLUTELY NOT IN THAT GROUP. WE ARE HETEROSEXUAL MARRIED WOMEN WITH CHILDREN." I sort of love the dress on the one on the left.
"Oscar! Eet ees so delightful!"
"Yay. Oscar. Whoooooo. I'm really excited."
"And then I said, eureka! If I just keep doing solid-to-great supporting work, I'll never be noticed, but if I slap on 75 pounds of makeup to play a real-life person and give a performance more hammy than Easter dinner, I'm a guaranteed Oscar winner! *charming French giggle*"
Oh Javier. You have to be pelvic-thrusting the air in this picture, don't you? Because I just couldn't be any more attracted to you.
Anne Hathaway desperately tries to leach some of Steve Carell's talent by latching on to his arm, but to no avail. As much as I love Jon Stewart, Steve Carell should host the Oscars. Seriously. He is an actor for the all-time comedic pantheon with Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, the Marx brothers, Bill Murray, Steve Martin, and Jack Lemmon (and I'm sure some others that will come to mind as soon as I click "publish post." And when he said "SHUT...it..." just like Michael Scott? Hooray!!!
OMG Owen Wilson was there. Glad to see him looking better. Wish he would have bought the funny.
I don't wanna hear all your squealing, MacAvoy fangirls. Josh is so much hotter than him in this picture it's not even funny.
Perfection? Yeah I think so.
Jonah Hill once again reminded me that he is the bargain-bin Seth Rogen that you only get when Seth Rogen has the better parts in better movies because he is a way better actor with a way less abrasive screen presence.
"You know who should have two of these at home? ME. Come here, Swinton, and I'll show you where you can put this..."
LORD KNOWS I love me some Amy Adams. But this was hella awkward. The songs from Enchanted are all pretty bad save "That's How You Know," but they work in the movie thanks to Adams. She pretty much sold "Happy Working Song" but it was still just incredibly awkward. The others had production numbers. Even Once got the fancy-schmancy lighting. She...stood on a stage. Poor, poor Amy.
I've heard a lot of criticism of the Coen brothers being "rude" at the Oscars, most of it coming from the There Will Be Blood absolute crazies who will not listen to how anything was even close to TWBB this year. Um...except the Coens weren't. They are terribly shy and not particularly loquacious, and I think that came off, but they never came off as not grateful for their awards.
"Yeah, you won that little Oscar, but you also get the ultimate prize: You get to live like me for a day."
I love how the photographer has to get this random picture of Clooney amongst the chaos. And I don't blame 'im. Ahhhh love.
"Cinenenenenaimatog - IT'S, LIKE, REALLY HARD TO PRONOUNCE, YOU GUYS!!!"
"That's how you KNNOOOOOoooooOOOOOOooooooOOWWWWW!!!!" God, she sucked, and I love her. They should have just let Amy do it...she captured the magic like nobody else can.
This was also stupid and they should have just gotten Amy. "So Close" is really a terrible cheesy song, but I'm not gonna lie and pretend I don't have it on my IPod. =/
Oh, God, how beautiful was this? And then how amazing were they when they won? There were no hysterical tears, but you could just tell they were so moved and absolutely grateful. And then when Jon bought Marketa back...just amazing. Oh my God, I so wish I loved Once. I am a heartless little harlot for not liking it :( It is pretty amazing, though. I mean, a Best Original Song nominee is about as far as Once was ever going to go, and it was a pretty high expectation for something so small - but it got it. It's great to see people being like "I've never heard of this Once movie, but I wanna see it now!" I wish the Oscars were like that for more films, and at their best, they are.
To finish, I gotta say: LOVE the "Marion Cotillard peed on stage!!!" rumors. And her crying inanely when La vie en rose won Best Makeup. And THE RODERICK JAYNES "photo" HAHA I DIED!!! Needless to say, "Big. Red. Pillow." has been on loop in my head for the last 48ish hours. LOVE LAURA. Finally, to quote the winner of Best Cinematography and Best Leading Actor, "I'm finished!"
"I'm Tommy Lee Jones and I have no chance of winning - not that it matters, I already have one - so I'm just gonna hold on to this pole. It worked for Diablo..."
Patrick Dempsey is also hot and I don't care how generic my opinion is in this matter SO THERE.
Laura Linney was just a bucket of smiles and sunshine the entire awards show. She has such a lovely, warm smile. LOVE HER. Not a particularly risky fashion choice, but she makes great acting look easy and she makes looking great look easy as well.
"Guys, I made you a biopic. A musical biopic. And you couldn't even throw me a frickin' Best Original Screenplay nod, just one for the chick as a dude that was guaranteed the day she was cast. I hate you all. But I'm still here."
I wonder if they're gonna make out again...
This dress is gorgeous, but Anne can't...quite...pull...it...off for some reason. I'm going to pretend that's for a reason other than I just don't like her, but it's probably not. Fantastic dress, though.
Helen Mirren is still totally hot in case you were wondering. Bitch, those sleeves are crystal!
That's gonna be one gorgeous baby. Jessica Alba pulls off that dress even with the weird feathers.
Keri Russell is very pretty, and she was very good in Waitress and uh, she was in August Rush too so I guess she had a good year, but she's like basically wearing Marion Cotillard's SAG dress right? Right?
This is right before The Buseying 2008, I believe. I love afterwards on that video clip; Laura Linney is just like "oh, look, another interview..." and she drags Jen Garner off and you see her talking to/comforting Jen in the background. Class act, that Linney.
"Worship my hot body. You know if I was ten years older I would have never won!" (The dress is well-played, Miss Marion. I don't know why anyone disliked it.)
"I'm kind of amazed I'm not dead yet."
Oh, Colin. Yes, you are genetically blessed in that you are very good-looking. No, this does not mean you can attend the Oscars with greasy unwashed hair and a severe lack of shaving. Also, on Sunday, whenever any Irish person spoke, I was like "whaaaa?" It's a great accent to be sure, but I needed subtitles.
Ladies and gentlemen! Come one, come all! See a man pull off earrings! And weird brown piping on his suit!
Johnny Depp ain't never gonna change. I feel like it is pointless to even acknowledge him at this point.
Javier Bardem has to hold off his crowd of newfound adoring female fans. I'm among them. DROOOOOOL.
Viggo Mortensen is almost unbearably sexy most of the time, but then sometimes he shows up with like three months' worth of beard and a weirdly glassy look and I'm just like "ooh, even you can't really do this." He is pulling off the coat though, for what it's worth.
Cate Blanchett looked amazing on Sunday, plus she has this Cate Blanchett Aura that just knocked me off my chair whenever she was on screen. Plus, she had the greatest moment of the night with that picture at the tippy-top. I think I am a little in love with her now. Stop me! Stop me, before I nominate her for Notes on a Scandal! Or Elizabeth: The Golden Age!
Rebecca Miller thought her dress was okay, but would not be totally complete without a last-minute run to the Arts 'N Crafts store for some bizarrely mismatching red ribbons (a tribute to There Will Be Blood? Maybe?) and a GIANT JEWEL BREASTPLATE FLOWER THING. What the hell?
That's how you pull off a stunning red dress, Hathaway.
I can't decide whether I liked this or not. On one hand, it's very pretty. On the other, it's even more boring than Amy Ryan's. On one hand, OMG SPARKLY. On the other hand, those things were off-center when she was presenting and OH MY GOD, IT DISTRACTED ME.
I am hoping that is not Amy Adams' boyfriend. *IMDbs* Oh, it's the guy who wrote The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I'm...still not sure why Jesus is hangin' all over him.
I always forget that they're together. Harrison looks like he farted and is giggling about it. /maturity
I LOVE Steve Carell. It just cracks me up that his wife was on The Office and their characters dated, but broke up (boo! Carol was so much better than mean ol' Jan). I'll talk about Steve more later...
P. Diddy or whatever he goes by: Sofia Coppola was so right...
God, they are a gorgeous couple. How hot is Josh Brolin? *drool*
ELLEN! Could this dress be any more boring??? Yes you are pretty! Yes you look good in it! BUT IT IS THE OSCARS.
The greatest Oscar couple I've ever seen. Spike looks like a pimp, which pleases me enormously. Wesley Snipes is...how did he get in the country? Doesn't matter, really. His suit is bright purple.
"My wife's tits are gonna pop out and I still won't smile. You can't make me. My brother got the joy gene."
"Keep trying as long as you want, Mr. Photographer Man. Seriously, I can be in the middle of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and I'm still not really smiling. I can be clowning around with awesome Don Cheadle - don't you just love Don Cheadle? - and I'm still not really smiling. For God's sake, even Clooney makes me only look sort of stoned. YOUR OSCARS DO NOT AMUSE ME."
I'm not gonna lie: I really don't like Penelope Cruz. And after a semester in Spain, too, I know, the shame ._. Yeah, she was really good in Volver and her other work with Almodovar, but I'm not falling all over myself to nominate her (Streep, Dern, Dench, Watts, Dunst, Weisz, Winslet, Mirren, Gyllenhaal, and Blanchett - German, duh, not Notes - were all better) and her work in English films is so bad it undoes all the good she gained from me for Volver. I don't like this dress either; I think it would have been much better to just cut it off after that layer of fuzzy stuff around her knees-ish, because as is right now it looks like it's demonstrating The Wonders of Puberty.
"I'm fabulous? Sort of? No? Okay I'll just go back to standing here."
I'll say it: Renee Zellweger's dress is gorgeous and flawless. If it was on anyone else, it would be getting raves and best-dressed lists everywhere. Unfortunately, Renee has to apparently have no eyes any more. Gah. I miss Bridget Jones' Diary. ;_; And with both Clooney and Zellweger present, they totally missed an opportunity to invite John Krasinski and promote Leatherheads like they promoted Get Smart.
Juno's BFFL is wearing a really styled garbage bag? Honest to blog? SORRY. COULDN'T RESIST.
FIX YOUR BANGS. I say it cuz I love, Jen.
This is the lowest-watt Laura Linney's smile was on the entire night.
I love Sarah Polley. She should already have an Oscar for her acting in The Sweet Hereafter, but whatever. There was also an amazing picture somewhere of her with Julie Christie.
OMG WHERE ARE HIS PAJAMAS???? On an unrelated note, I felt so proud of myself because I picked up that Vanity Fair with the Hitchcock photos and one of the headlines was "The Apartment New York Can't Stop Buzzing About" or something like that and I was like "oh, the Schnab's." And I was right.
I enjoy this picture because it looks like Javier is saying something she doesn't understand (en espanol?) and she's just looking at him in a sort of "whatever, I'll indulge you cuz you're hot!" way.
Oh, Tilda. I love her now, sort of. I love how she's like "I'm holding my Oscar up! Oscar! Yay! That's, like, what I'm supposed to do, right? This is so weird, I've never even been to one of these things before..."
Amy seems to dangerously incline against any man put in her vicinity. Or, Oscar is pulling her in because it knows she is its rightful owner. It knows!
"I'm so confused.."
This is what I believe the kids refer to as "fucking hotness."
I LOVE how these two were accepting their award and they were like "we really feel sympathy for the gay women this documentary portrayed, because we are ABSOLUTELY NOT IN THAT GROUP. WE ARE HETEROSEXUAL MARRIED WOMEN WITH CHILDREN." I sort of love the dress on the one on the left.
"Oscar! Eet ees so delightful!"
"Yay. Oscar. Whoooooo. I'm really excited."
"And then I said, eureka! If I just keep doing solid-to-great supporting work, I'll never be noticed, but if I slap on 75 pounds of makeup to play a real-life person and give a performance more hammy than Easter dinner, I'm a guaranteed Oscar winner! *charming French giggle*"
Oh Javier. You have to be pelvic-thrusting the air in this picture, don't you? Because I just couldn't be any more attracted to you.
Anne Hathaway desperately tries to leach some of Steve Carell's talent by latching on to his arm, but to no avail. As much as I love Jon Stewart, Steve Carell should host the Oscars. Seriously. He is an actor for the all-time comedic pantheon with Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, the Marx brothers, Bill Murray, Steve Martin, and Jack Lemmon (and I'm sure some others that will come to mind as soon as I click "publish post." And when he said "SHUT...it..." just like Michael Scott? Hooray!!!
OMG Owen Wilson was there. Glad to see him looking better. Wish he would have bought the funny.
I don't wanna hear all your squealing, MacAvoy fangirls. Josh is so much hotter than him in this picture it's not even funny.
Perfection? Yeah I think so.
Jonah Hill once again reminded me that he is the bargain-bin Seth Rogen that you only get when Seth Rogen has the better parts in better movies because he is a way better actor with a way less abrasive screen presence.
"You know who should have two of these at home? ME. Come here, Swinton, and I'll show you where you can put this..."
LORD KNOWS I love me some Amy Adams. But this was hella awkward. The songs from Enchanted are all pretty bad save "That's How You Know," but they work in the movie thanks to Adams. She pretty much sold "Happy Working Song" but it was still just incredibly awkward. The others had production numbers. Even Once got the fancy-schmancy lighting. She...stood on a stage. Poor, poor Amy.
I've heard a lot of criticism of the Coen brothers being "rude" at the Oscars, most of it coming from the There Will Be Blood absolute crazies who will not listen to how anything was even close to TWBB this year. Um...except the Coens weren't. They are terribly shy and not particularly loquacious, and I think that came off, but they never came off as not grateful for their awards.
"Yeah, you won that little Oscar, but you also get the ultimate prize: You get to live like me for a day."
I love how the photographer has to get this random picture of Clooney amongst the chaos. And I don't blame 'im. Ahhhh love.
"Cinenenenenaimatog - IT'S, LIKE, REALLY HARD TO PRONOUNCE, YOU GUYS!!!"
"That's how you KNNOOOOOoooooOOOOOOooooooOOWWWWW!!!!" God, she sucked, and I love her. They should have just let Amy do it...she captured the magic like nobody else can.
This was also stupid and they should have just gotten Amy. "So Close" is really a terrible cheesy song, but I'm not gonna lie and pretend I don't have it on my IPod. =/
Oh, God, how beautiful was this? And then how amazing were they when they won? There were no hysterical tears, but you could just tell they were so moved and absolutely grateful. And then when Jon bought Marketa back...just amazing. Oh my God, I so wish I loved Once. I am a heartless little harlot for not liking it :( It is pretty amazing, though. I mean, a Best Original Song nominee is about as far as Once was ever going to go, and it was a pretty high expectation for something so small - but it got it. It's great to see people being like "I've never heard of this Once movie, but I wanna see it now!" I wish the Oscars were like that for more films, and at their best, they are.
To finish, I gotta say: LOVE the "Marion Cotillard peed on stage!!!" rumors. And her crying inanely when La vie en rose won Best Makeup. And THE RODERICK JAYNES "photo" HAHA I DIED!!! Needless to say, "Big. Red. Pillow." has been on loop in my head for the last 48ish hours. LOVE LAURA. Finally, to quote the winner of Best Cinematography and Best Leading Actor, "I'm finished!"