Hey, Academy. Remember that time you gave Jennifer Connelly the Oscar over four performances that completely towered over her, while she was Razzie-worthy? And remember how you didn't give Martin Scorsese an Oscar until 2006? And remember how you didn't give Spike Lee an Oscar ever? And remember how you only gave Lost in Translation and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Best Original Screenplay? And remember how Bill Murray didn't win for the former? And how Scarlett Johansson wasn't even nominated? Well, if you do this little favor for me, I will forgive you for all this shit.
PS. Christie will do too.
PPS. Or Page, too. I guess.
PPPS. Please, not Marion. (Though I'm prepared to accept it.)
PPPPS. If Cate Blanchett upsets here, I am officially throwing something at the TV.
PS. Christie will do too.
PPS. Or Page, too. I guess.
PPPS. Please, not Marion. (Though I'm prepared to accept it.)
PPPPS. If Cate Blanchett upsets here, I am officially throwing something at the TV.