It was, you know, fine. Couldn't really compare with the better episodes of the series. Not painful at all, though; it went by so quickly, and didn't feel, at all, like it had a two-and-a-half-hour running time. B- or so.
The film got much better as it went along. At the beginning, Carrie was just so freaking bratty to the point that she was extraordinarily out-of-character. Yes, I know Carrie's a pretty bratty character, but in the show, her brattiness was always in-character, if that made sense. It was organic. In the movie, it wasn't so much. Also, the Big/Carrie breakup scene after he called off the wedding was laughably written and acted. The parts in Mexico were strange. I'm not exactly sure what the point of the Miranda and Carrie fight was, as it was resolved in .0002 seconds.
I found Samantha incredibly obnoxious too, but like Carrie's brattiness in the show, it was in-character. I hope Smith comes back. He visibly aged, but was still like 30 times hotter than greasy Dante (minus that shower scene.........).
Loved the clothes and set decoration and whatnot, of course.
I liked Louise, despite her lack of personality. Jennifer Hudson was adorable.
I guess Stanford and Anthony don't hate each other any more? That came out of nowhere.
Charlotte's kids' names are Lily and Rose? WORST. JEW. NAMES. EVER. On the other hand, John James Preston sounds like one of Britney Spears' kids.
The film did have a lot of really great scenes. I cried when Steve and Miranda met each other on the bridge (I always did root for those two crazy kids) and during the New Year's Eve montage. God, the latter scene was gorgeous. Just a whole bunch of punches in the stomach, really.
THE SEQUEL NEEDS MORE HARRY. MOOOOORE. It should just be called Sex and the City: Why Harry Is the Awesomest Character Ever.