Saturday, September 26, 2009

Glenn Beck.

Okay, so when I was in college, I watched a good amount of CNN, where his show was until this past winter or so. I'd see it every so often. And while he was obviously a Libertarian, which I have sooo many issues with that I'm not gonna get into, he was sane. He wasn't screaming or freaking out or excessively twitching or crying about how much he loves his country and fears for it or whatever or chopping watermelons up to protest environmental legislation because "green on the outside, RED on the inside!!!!" or throwing frogs into pots of boiling water (all of those have happened on his show). He was... yeah. Not that.

I can't tell if Fox tells him to act the way he does, or if he's like that because he's off his medication or something. Either way, it's kind of disturbing to see how much he's changed. And his Twitter is just like... well, every time I look at it, I feel like I'm in Apocalypse Now: "the horror... the horror..."