Saturday, September 19, 2009

Project Runway: Paper Dresses or whatever.

It's been kind of a boring season to be honest. I'm still watching, but I'm watching because I love clothes and clothing design. It was kind of funny seeing Tim Gunn get pissed off during this week's episode, though. Anyway... as ever, refer to Lifetime's webpage.

Althea: I really like this. I think it's certainly simple, but it's got enough details to make it interesting. The textures are totally lovely. As a minus point, the fit is not the best; it looks too big on her. That said, it's freaking newspaper! I'm amazed some of these fit at all.

Carol Hannah: As Carol Hannah is wont to do, this is a lot of look. There's a lot of "she was robbed of the top group!" but I don't really think that. The cups are weird, the bottom has way too much unflattering frippery, and it's making her look super wide and bulgy across the midsection. I mean, it's kind of a masterpiece of construction, seeing how it's made out of newspaper, but I'm just not crazy about it.

Christopher: Many thought he was robbed of the win, and though I like this, it's very basic. That silhouette will always be great and effective, but it's effectively just a structured top with a skirt consisting of torn-up paper. That's it. But it's a nice entry, and I don't mind it being in the top.

Epperson: I really like this, actually. I think it's so cool, and the dress actually has attitude. Good choice of accessories, to boot. I'm pretty sure I dislike that mullet hem, though.

Gordana: Eh. It's very plain, and the few details made to add interest, like the neck, I don't like. It's not horrible - let's face it, it's a totally cute and wearable dress - I just don't like it.

Irina: This won. It's a gorgeous, gorgeous design, but I definitely have a couple of issues with it that would have prevented her from winning in my book... but IMO she's still owed a win from that Week 1 dress, so I'll let it slide. My primary problem is that it's just soooo costumey. All I can think is that it's very Cruella De Vil. Like, if Chris March put this down the runway, the judges would have gotten on him for it. That said, it's impeccably made, creative, and just a really nice look.

Johnny: I wasn't really following his whole drama, but the dress he produced isn't great. Like Gordana's, it's just a basic dress with a few details added for interest that actually make it kind of uglier. Like, the spike thing, and the weird hem... yeah. It's not horrible, but it doesn't work. And it doesn't look all that flattering.

Logan: I think it's cute, but not great. My favorite part of the dress is the various colors; they're really bold and they work great. I don't think it hits the most flattering part of her thigh or whatever, though, and the model kind of looks thick through the middle.

Louise: Oh, man. I forgot about this one because I think I blocked it out of my head. Anyway, she tried to be interesting, but this is just ugly. Don't like the collar treatment and WTF is up with the way that model is styled?

Nicholas: It's definitely got an edge, but part of it looks like it's falling apart, almost. I dunno, I'm not crazy about the "wings" or whatever. And the way the model's styled is just weird. Overall, it doesn't work for me.

Ra'mon: It's okay. The silhouette is nice but the colors don't work together, in my opinion. He's still a top contender. Yeesh, I am tired and don't have much to say about these...

Shirin: I like this. The silhouette is not original, but it's not original because it always works and is really fashionable. It's cool that she managed to do that with paper, too. This dress reminds me of some of the best of Kenley's stuff and a little of Leanne's too. The cups look like they don't fit, though.

RANKED (best to worst)
Carol Hannah