Thursday, September 17, 2009


I dunno what cactus tastes like, but when Ashley made jelly doughnuts (I typed douchenuts there originally, which would have been something very interesting and different) with cactus, I literally gagged. It just sounded so, so gross.

Also, Jen's Quickfire dish sounded amazing - I really don't like sausage because it's often greasy and heavy, but I loooove chorizo - as did Bryan's elimination dish... plus, it was appropriate, not fucking ceviche for cowboys on a ranch in the desert, God. I'm glad he won that. He's really cute. As for Bryan's brother, he had a weird ego-crazy episode this week. Weird. Still love him!

Ron is truly funny, and in the way I appreciate, where he's not necessarily trying to be. The scene where he was breaking down the tree branches or whatever made me laugh so hard. He kind of seems like teh suck at cooking, but I so hope he doesn't go home soon!!!!

It was weird to see Laurine in the top for both events. I'd more or less written her off, but maybe not. With the edit Ashley was getting, I expected her to either win or leave... and... well... that didn't happen.

Eli seems hilarious; it's too bad that he's probably going to get a douchebag edit soon.