Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I saw a movie! Really, I did! From 2009!

(500) Days of Summer. I am not sure why the 500 is in parentheses, unless, I dunno, parentheses-happy me came up with that. Hah.

Basically, if you have an idea about an indie film in your head, it's this film. The great soundtrack of bands you've never heard of, the cutesy handrawn credits, the quirky indie girl, the smart-talking young kid... and the male lead was the woobiest of all woobies that has ever woobied.

As I said, great soundtrack, though. That scene with "You Make My Dreams" was totally awesome, too (I just saw some website whining about how it was "a celebration of heteronormativity" - huhhh? You know, I'm not like "YAY HETERONORMATIVITY" but men and women have relationships in which there's sex! It's true! It happens between two men and two women sometimes, too! And sometimes even more! That is a shocker, I know!). And it's better than Once.

It was also rather emotionally true... but I don't really want to go into that cuz it'd be kind of TMI, so just take my word for it.