Monday, August 31, 2009

oh, and I saw two 2009 movies!

I Love You, Man and The September Issue.

I Love You, Man was kind of crap. It started out really funny, but after a while, it just... stopped. I didn't really like any of the characters and I like Rashida Jones, but something about her is just off in comedies. She's not OMG SATAN'S HOOOOOOOORRRRR like many Office fans would have you think, but she just doesn't do well in ridiculous comedies. She was better on The Office because it was a lot less stupid (and probably, the directing was better). I totally lost interest in the movie like... halfway through. Zzzz.

The September Issue was fine. Either you're gonna see it and like it, or you're not gonna bother. It's that kind of movie. Even if it had been a horrible movie, it was extremely short, so it would have been relatively painless. It was interesting to see the workings behind Vogue and I felt all fashion knowledgeable when I recognized almost all of the models they were shooting.