Wednesday, August 12, 2009

so I'm not putting up my random comments tonight

But I promise I won't read fourfour before I do so that you don't read the same comments as, I dunno, every other blogger because everyone thinks he is ZOMG SO FUNNY and pretty much copies exactly what he says. Not that I'm really trying to be funny, or that people looking for SERIOUSLY busted girls will find much in this group other than the fact that they're MIDGETS!!!!

Okay, let me say it now so you guys don't have to hear it 80000 times. I will probably mockingly refer to this as the ~Midget Cycle!!!!~ as many times as possible. I just think that's hysterical. But the girls on this cycle actually aren't all that short overall. The average height is probably somewhere between 5'5" and 5'6", due to all the girls that are 5'6" and 5'7". THAT'S STILL SIX TO SEVEN INCHES TALLER THAN I AM! It just makes me laugh.