Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sarah Palin on Facebook.

Please click to enlarge this to get all the details because... oh my god.

so I just spent some time

...watching Australia's Next Top Model and got-DAMN, why can't the photoshoots in our version be more like that?!?!?!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Awful news to wake up to. I can't believe he's gone. His charity, good character, and incredible talent enriched many a life. Paul Newman, we will miss you.

Friday, September 26, 2008

"Weight Loss"

- First things first, the episode opened with a giant fountain of cheese. It could not possibly have been bad.
- There were great vintage Office super awkward moments: Holly and Oscar in the kitchen, Holly finding out Kevin's not really retarded, Michael and Holly talking about the Counting Crows tickets (and Michael ripping 'em up!)...
- Before I go any further... MICHOLLY 4-EVA, YA'LL.
- I LOVED Amy Ryan's deliveries of "Almost, Kevin" and "Math is hard" in the first weigh-in scene
- Michael and Jim talking about Holly (and her butt) after yoga
- all the jokes having to do with the fruit in the vending machine: Dwight hammering in the peach, the increasing number of fruit flies...
- What up, 212! I'm gonna use that from now on. ;)
- Under my Angerella...ella...ella...
- THE COMPLETELY OBVIOUS DWANGELA SIGNALING! And when they kissed after the first time there was "cookie"? That was... kinda hot.
- "Every little boy fantasizes about his fairy tale wedding."
- Michael trying to kiss Pam after Jim does
- I cannot express how amazing that Micholly rap was, even if the preview did give it away ahead of time.
- Kelly, sounding entirely dead: "Gonna look amaaaazing." I thought Kelly's storyline in this episode was like borderline controversial, but it still managed to be HILARIOUS.
- Angela: "THAT'S how I sleep at night!" HAH!
- the entire scene with Pam on the laptop was pretty effing hilarious
- I love how we saw Michael with a goatee in Week 4, with no explanation as to how it got there. And then, in Week 5, when we found out how, exactly, he got it... AHAHAHAHAH.
- Phyllis as head of the Party-Planning Commitee, because she just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
- will Steve Carell ever play someone who lost his virginity at like, 17? ;)
- I LOVED when Angela and Andy were actually being kind of sweet to each other. It gave us all an explanation as to why Angela didn't just say no. Also, did anyone else think Andy's "I would marry you on top of a monsoon" monologue thing was verrrry gently poking fun at all us JAMmers? Like, "Yeah, this is cheesy and lame, but you'd all be swooning if Jim said it."
- are we supposed to be worried about that art school guy? Cuz, no. Well, I pretty much thought he was gay, and even if he's not... I feel like we have not much to worry about from a guy whose name we don't even know. OMG, Pam's friends with a guy!!!! THE END IS NEAR!!! Anyway.
- Jim showing the cameraman "Pam's art," and promptly slamming the door. HOT. Loved that big kiss too, but it wasn't quite as good as one that was to come...
- Dwight: "Happy birthday, Stanley!" (kicks cake) HAHAHA
- "If we stay fat long enough, we might actually get a whole month off."
- I figured Ryan was going to be the new receptionist because of spoilers, but after he walked in, got basically ignored, sat down in the receptionist's chair, and put on that headset... I. Lost. It.
- Jim was kind of a dick to Ryan... AND I LOVED IT!!!!
- "Most of you are just as fat as the day we began."
- "I never really processed 9/11." Is it wrong to say I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF????
- the Dwight/Phyllis "sales call"
- the Michael Klump conference room scene? Obviously, hilarious, but the part with Kelly was actually kind of touching. "Everything. She's perfect." Quiet, suck-up. ;)
- the Goatee-Less Brothers... cut to Dwight and his goatee. Hee!
- Pam's screenname: Receptionitis! HAH!
- I cannot explain how amazing the Angelandy wedding conversation in Week 7 is. Andy wearing his tie outside of his garbage bag! Angela wanting the first dance to be to "The Little Drummer Boy"! Here Comes Treble at the Andy/Angela wedding! Angela not letting Here Comes Treble come to the wedding is a deal-breaker! Andy's nicknames for everyone in Here Comes Treble!
- Needless to say... THAT. PROPOSAL. SCENE. I loved so much about the ways it chose to be. I loved that it called back to "Casino Night" a whole lot without making me roll my eyes with how obvious it was (it's in a parking lot, they didn't know the cameras were on them, Jim meant to say one thing but another came out, "What are you doing?", it ends in a kiss). I loved that, even though I read spoilers, I was not expecting it to happen in the first episode and it kind of blew my mind a lot. I loved that it was so ordinary - like, their love was what made it incredible (hi, I'm a cheeseball). I loved that it was pouring. I loved when Jim said "I just... I can't wait." I loved Pam's increasingly emotional "oh my God"s and how she could barely get through her "yes." I loved how they looked like some old-time movie couple in that big kiss. And most of all, I loved how friggin' HAPPY both of them were. SO. AMAZING. My ass is kicked, Jim and Pam. :)
- following that, I love how deliriously happy Jim was at the weigh-in. "This is a good day. You guys accomplished something big." No, Michael's not talking directly to Jim, but...
- I love Stanley and the multiple Black Panthers references. Teehee!
- And, finally... TOBY IN THE HOSPITAL AT THE END!!!!! I pretty much died laughing.

Yeah, top five episode for SURE, probably #4. Which now means, oddly enough, three season premieres are in my top five. At any rate... WELCOME BACK, OFFICE! HERE'S TO SEASON 5!!!

I KNEW I forgot something!

1. Analeigh
In my opinion, this is one of the greatest. pictures. in. America's. Next. Top. Model. history (/cliche. But seriously, I have it at #11.). The pose is soooo sexy and alluring and the eyes are still so strong. Absolutely spectacular.

2. Clark
Someone please tell me WTF is up with Clark? Episode 1 and 3 (voting and swimsuit pictures), her pictures were atrocious and she'd make my personal bottom two (though she got spared for Hannah both times). Episode 2 and 4 (suspended pictures and this shoot), her pictures are stunning. Maybe it's a boring pose but she's got the most intense eyes of any girl. Plus, she just looks utterly evil, which is fantastic.

3. Sheena
Alluring and playing on her exoticness. It's extremely glamorous and edgy. I like that she doesn't have the "evil" look like some of these girls have but that the eye contact is still so strong and direct.

4. McKey
I don't love it from far away, but in the close-up, her eyes are sooo strong.

5. Lauren Brie
I actually may be the only person on the planet that doesn't like that pose so much (I think it's weird and distracting, though I admit I have been trying to get my hands like that since I've seen this picture), but her eyes are probably the strongest of all the girls.

6. Marjorie
Her nose looks weird and I hate her hair. That said, it's a super-fierce pose and I love her eye contact with the latent evil.

7. Elina
She looks like Godzilla getting ready to emerge from the water. That's not exactly a good thing. That said, I didn't hate this as much as the judges did, it's just not as strong as the others.

8. Joslyn
The eyes are okay (though she looks frightened), but... why is Joslyn always touching her ass? SERIOUSLY. Her promo picture. Her voting picture. Her makeover picture. Her bathing suit picture. This picture. And it's getting close in the suspended balloon ladder picture.

9. Isis
I wish this wasn't shot in such extreme close-up, because it looks like she's drowning because she's so sleepy. It's not awful, but she's not bringing much to this picture.

10. Samantha
The eye contact seems hesitant to me and I'm just gonna say it: she needs to find some way to make herself look not plus-sized in a lot of these pictures, since she's so obviously not.

the ONLY thing that episode needed...

...was a cameo talking head from Karen/Rashida at the end, just to say, "Yeah, it was nice to beat... Scranton," super emphasis on the beat. I would have laughed so hard. But other than that... alasldfjfjlsgj incoherence.

Once I rewatch, more squeeing tomorrow.

Let's all watch this 50280684308668 times.


of course, this was hardly the only thing about the episode that I l-o-v-e-d loved! For example, I feel like I now must always use "I still haven't really processed 9/11" as an excuse for everything.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sounds of my ridiculous girly shrieking!!!!

MORE TOMORROW!!!! And... this might be too early but... I just might have a new episode for my top five!!!!

based on pictures/personalities at this point...

here's how I wanted the eliminations to go this season on ANTM:

14. Hannah
13. Nikeysha
12. Clark
11. ShaRaun
10. Samantha
9. Brittany
8. Elina
7. Joslyn
6. Isis
5. McKey
4. Lauren Brie
3. Marjorie
2. Analeigh
ANTM: Sheena. LOVE THIS FIERCE BITCH. I'll be totally fine with the "token Asian" winner if it's her, just like I didn't mind the "token plus-size" winner being Whitney, because she rocked too (well, to be fair, not as much as Anya, but no one's ever rocked as much as Anya), or the "token Hispanic" winner being the similarly awesome Jaslene. I mean, it's better than Saleisha, AKA the "token terrible" winner.


Yes, I'm posting this at midnight like a dork.


The wa-a-aiting is the hardest part... not any more!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

and on a less political note...

SOOOOO glad ANTM got rid of useless terrible Hannah.

SOOOOO sad they got rid of Isis. Her picture the first week was just so good and I liked her a lot ;_;


Picture rankings tomorrow once I actually can find them.

Sarah Palin: DUMBASS.

Couric: But he's been in Congress for 26 years. He's been chairman of the powerful Commerce Committee. And he has almost always sided with less regulation, not more.
Palin: He's also known as the maverick though, taking shots from his own party, and certainly taking shots from the other party. Trying to get people to understand what he's been talking about - the need to reform government.
Couric: But can you give me any other concrete examples? Because I know you've said Barack Obama is a lot of talk and no action. Can you give me any other examples in his 26 years of John McCain truly taking a stand on this?
Palin: I can give you examples of things that John McCain has done, that has shown his foresight, his pragmatism, and his leadership abilities. And that is what America needs today.
Couric: I'm just going to ask you one more time - not to belabor the point [OH SHIT SON KATIE WITH THE BITCHSLAP]. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation.
Palin: I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to you.

For realz, bitch? This is what you sound like in an interview with Katie Couric? I can't wait to see Joey the Shark take on Sarah Barricuda.

so David Duchovny's still in sex addict rehab?

I keep expecting him to run out of it yelling "PSYCH!!! MEDIA PLOY!!! WATCH CALIFORNICATION!!!"


oh my god oh my god oh my god so excited. Add to that that from 6-8 my school is having a free open bar event for seniors and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 IS OFFICIALLY THE NEW BEST DAY EVER.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


here's the description for an upcoming America's Next Top Model episode:
The contestants are thrilled when Paulina shows up to show them how to model unflattering clothing with style. Jay takes the girls to a new level when he asks them to pose as Los Angeles’ “natural” disasters including an earthquake, tidal wave, heat wave and a traffic jam. Tyra Banks, Paulina Porizkova, J. Alexander and Nigel Barker are the judges (#1106).

........... since when is a traffic jam a natural disaster?!?!?!??!?! At least they put it in quotes, I guess...

Monday, September 22, 2008

After a very extended haitus, Celebrity Thoughts Returns.

Amy: Um... what the fuck, Jeremy, this is so inappropriate.
Tina: I'm just gonna stand here and pretend this isn't totally awkward. Maybe I should try and pull him away from Amy? Nah.

Emmy fashions.

Here they are, via TV Guide.

Julie Louis-Dreyfus: Stunning. I usually hate the little underboob cut-out things, but fantastic.
Jennifer Love Hewitt: Wow, I didn't see anyone talking about her dress, and I absolutely love it. Her hair's a total mess, though.
Holly Hunter: I like it - it's a fantastic color that you don't really see a lot - but it's a little prom-my.
Glenn Close: WTF is this? Does it need a like, crazy spiderweb cape? It would have been much better, if not very interesting, with just the dress alone.
Teri Hatcher: It's a great color, and it's okay until the knees or so. I dunno. It's just a very bad length to cut the dress off at.
Brooke Shields: FABULOUS.
Vanessa Williams: Awful. Did she make this dress out of a carpet or something?
Jenna Fischer: Oh, Pam, you know I love you, but this dress makes you look terribly bloated and like you have no waist. The color's also kind of cheap-looking. I like her hair, though.
Kate Walsh: The dress isn't my favorite, but it's an interesting take on boring ol' black. Love her hair/makeup.
Mary-Louise Parker: It's a fantastic color and she looks absolutely great in it. And not mildly stoned! Wow!
Mariska Hargitay: I think I'm reading that people don't like this... what? I think it's absolutely fantastic. It's a great color and cut, and she looks really really youthful.
Christina Applegate: That's a crazy dress, but she looks absolutely amazing.
Kathy Griffin: Hideous.
Tina Fey: It's simple and kind of boring, but she looks fantastic in it.
Heidi Klum: It's great (I am a magpie and drawn to anything sparkly), but like Glenn, it would have been much better without the silly cape thing.
Sandra Oh: I actually love it. Much like her one-time Grey's Anatomy co-star Walsh, it's a very interesting take on boring black (and honestly, a boring cut too).
Olivia Wilde: This is like some terrible prom-dress-cum-wedding-dress. It's boring and it washes her out.
Rainn Wilson: Uh, okay. It's a tux. I agree with the writers of these blurbs that he actually looks pretty good in glasses.
Kathleen Robertson: I don't know who that is, but this dress is okay. Again, pretty boring. I like what I can see of her earrings, though!
Debra Messing: It looks kind of like a garbage bag but A REALLY FANTASTIC GARBAGE BAG THAT I WOULD TOTALLY WEAR.
Lisa Edelstein: If the pattern was on her entire dress, it might work. As is, especially with the somehow annoying "gee, aren't I cute!" stance she has, she looks like a friggin' lamp.
Jaime Bergman: All these white dresses are somehow yawn-enducing, while the black ones rock. Huh. Who knew?
America Ferrera: I love her, she's gorgeous, and her hair and makeup is perfect. However, this looks like a garbage bag, but unlike Debra Messing's, SO NOT a garbage bag I would wear. It's a bad dress.
Nicollette Sheridan: ...wha-what? Nicollette Sheridan actually looks great at an awards show? And she's got an amazing, envy-worthy dress? I AM SO CONFUSED.
Melora Hardin: I like the dress, except that the pendant/gathering seems to fall at a weird part of her body, but her makeup and hair are way too much and far too severe. Eeek, Crazy!Jan attacks even on the red carpet ;)
Chandra Wilson: It's a boring dress, it makes her look huge and stumpy, and the attempts to make it interesting (the slit, the ... jewel-thing? what are those?) are kind of awkward. Sorry, Bailey.
Cynthia Nixon: It's not very interesting, but the color's gorgeous and you don't see it often.
Alan Cumming: Uh, what?
Angela Kinsey: For me, she's the best-dressed of the Office ladies! It's not an amazing dress, but it's pretty, a good color, and certainly better than what most of the others were sporting.
Lauren Conrad: Yawn. Didn't she design this? Ooh, it proves she can put a bunch of black fabric together and then stick an awkward brooch on it. Good for her.
Kate Flannery: Hey, she looks great, too! I would have preferred if her dress had stayed sleek the whole way down as opposed to "flaring out" at the bottom, but I do like it.
Julie Benz: Besides the color, which is a little too much, it's pretty... meh.
Steve Carell & Nancy Wals: <333333333333333 I love Nancy's dress too, because I love really interesting black/gray dresses. (Someday you will win an Emmy, Steve. ;_; )
Cheryl Hines: It's an interesting white dress! Run for the hills! I feel like she's too old for it, though...
Lee Majors & Faith Majors: I think I like her dress, but I can't really see enough of it to fully judge.
Padma Lakshmi: In theory, it's a great dress... but she looks really awkward and lumpy (okay, I stole that from the writers of these blurbs).
Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka: Awww. <333333333 (NPH, I'm so sad you lost!!!!)
Eva Longoria Parker: Am I the only one who loves this? I think so. I get that it's kind of shapeless but I think it's really interesting...
Dae Kim & Mia Kim: I LOOOOOOOOVE her dress. Plus, it looks actually wearable in real life if you make it like knee-length. Must. Steal. It. Now.
Christina Hendricks: Boobtastic! The color's amazing too. Hey, Jenna! See how this worked for the other redhead with giant boobs? Try this next year!
Laura Dern: It's very prommy, but I still like it. She might be a little too old for it, though.
Kristin Chenoweth: Soooooo booooooriiiiiiinggggg.............
Kyra Sedgwick: It's very boring, save the horrible - and I gotta steal this one from the people who write these blurbs - "evil, jagged sequin monsters that are trying to eat her boobs." So, overall, no, I don't like it.
Elisabeth Moss: Love it. Very flapper-esque.
Evangeline Lilly: I find her boring and not very pretty, but I like this dress. It's an interesting pattern that actually works.
Hayden Panettiere: Age-appropriate black? Hayden rocks.
Elizabeth Mitchell: This is absolutely awful. It looks like armor and it's really unflattering. Her necklace is terrible and too chunky too, and her hair is blah.
Lisa Rinna: Is this dress a tablecloth? Cuz it looks like it. Joey Fatone is making me laugh a lot though.

Blah. Oh, and about the Emmys... uh, sad The Office won nothing, but hey, look on the bright side: at least Two and a Half Men didn't either!


A few clips from Thursday's episode.

When Dwight starts imitating Michael's impersonations... when Michael starts talking about using his sumo suit... when Michael falls down the stairs... when Michael tries to kiss Pam goodbye... when Dwight tells people to get liposuction... when Angela shoots down Andy... when we see that Crazy!Jan is probably emerging once again... when Jim makes any face ever... I DIE LAUGHING. I LOVE THE OFFICE!!!! THREEEEEE DAAAAAYSSSSS!!!!

(Oh, and I think I spy RYAN in the back of that conference room!)


Is Laura Linney.

So I hear during her Emmys speech she said every time she would look at the award, she would think about the "great community organizers" that founded our country.


(More on the Emmys tomorrow. I guess. I didn't actually watch so I can't speak to the suckitude/awesomeness of the ceremony. But boohoo, my Office went home empty-handed. Then again, time to look on the bright side of life... so did Two and a Half Men.)

Goodbye, Yankee Stadium.

You wouldn't know it from reading this blog, but I'm a pretty huge Yankee fan. It's hard to follow them when I'm at school and so busy and I don't get the YES Network here, but I love them - always have, that's the way my mom raised me.

Tonight was the last game at Yankee Stadium. They're moving into a new place next year, and I'm sure it'll be amazing, but it'll take another century for that place to have the memories the old one does. I watched the game on ESPN with tears in my eyes. Andy Pettitte, who has been struggling so much lately, which utterly breaks my heart, had the somewhat decent version of himself show up tonight, good enough to win. The Yankees beat up on the Orioles' starter and middle relief. And Mariano Rivera getting that last out, as Brian Roberts grounded out - what else can you say? In a year when more or less everything else has gone wrong for the Yankees, Mussina and Mo alone have been everything you could ask for (you too, A-Rod. And I'm sorry that Yankee fans won't appreciate you unless/until you pretty much single-handedly get us a championship.).

For the first time since 1993 (1994 doesn't count), it seems likely that the Yankees won't make the playoffs. The Rays went from incredibly bad to incredibly awesome, the Yankees were decimated by bad injuries this year, and they're in the most ridiculous division in maybe all of sports, so it's not that surprising, but it just won't feel right to watch what I can of the postseason when the Yankees aren't there. I got spoiled when I was younger and the dynasty of 1996-2001 was going on (though the 2001 World Series ended in the worst way possible), but their playoff appearances since the last time they were in the World Series consist of maybe the worst postseason choke of all time and three first-round exits, two of them to probably inferior teams. We've had to watch the Red Sox win twice. It's been pretty painful. So maybe it's the best that the Yankees left Yankee Stadium like this - they won. And it was a really good win.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Emmys are actually this weekend?

Heh, could have fooled me. Anyway, final predictions:

Drama Series: Mad Men (alt. Damages)
Actor - Drama: Hugh Lawrie - House (alt. James Spader - Boston Legal)
Actress - Drama: Glenn Close - Damages (alt. Kyra Sedgwick - The Closer)
S. Actor - Drama: Ted Danson - Damages (alt. William Shatner - Boston Legal)
S. Actress - Drama: Chandra Wilson - Grey's Anatomy (alt. Rachel Griffiths - Brothers and Sisters)
Comedy Series: 30 Rock (alt. The Office)
Actor - Comedy: Alec Baldwin - 30 Rock (alt. Steve Carell - The Office)
Actress - Comedy: Tina Fey - 30 Rock (alt. Christina Applegate - Samantha Who?)
S. Actor - Comedy: Neil Patrick Harris - How I Met Your Mother (alt. Jeremy Piven - Entourage)
S. Actress - Comedy: Vanessa Williams - Ugly Betty (alt. Holland Taylor - Two and a Half Men)

Drama Writing will go to ummm Mad Men? and the Directing to something from Lost. Comedy Writing will go to something from 30 Rock, and Directing to the "Pielette" episode of Pushing Daisies.

Oh, and the "should win"s...

Drama Series: Mad Men
Actor - Drama: Gabriel Bryne, In Treatment
Actress - Drama: Glenn Close, Damages
S. Actor - Drama: Ted Danson, Damages
S. Actress - Drama: uhhh Chandra Wilson, Grey's Anatomy
Comedy Series: The Office
Actor - Comedy: Steve Carell, The Office
Actress - Comedy: Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds
S. Actor - Comedy: Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother
S. Actress - Comedy: uhhh Vanessa Williams, Ugly Betty



Thursday, September 18, 2008

and we can officially say...

...LESS THAN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANTM last night.

Why did most of these ladies look so weird and manly? Also - and this is gonna sound really bad, but know that I mean no offense by it - I can't believe they're getting rid of all the black girls so fast. Usually, they keep one around for diversity, and she's inevitably the worst model of the group by far at the end (it's not always true - think Yaya, Bre, Nik, Danielle, Eva, Fatima [though she should have gone during the plane shoot she missed, even though Stacy Ann was extremely weak] etc - but there's also Camille, Keenyah, Eugena, Dionne, Bianca, Saleisha.........). There are people that should have gone before ShaRaun and Brittany, and probably Nikeysha too... cough Hannah cough.

1. Analeigh (why does she seem to be constantly at risk of getting booted? She rocks!)
2. Lauren Brie (would be #1, except it looks like she's flipping the camera off)
3. Sheena
4. Marjorie
5. Isis
6. Elina (it's an AMAZING beauty shot. Unfortunately, it sucks as a bikini advert. Still, this is the lowest I can justify having it.)
7. Samantha
8. Joslyn
9. McKey
10. Brittany
11. Clark (I actually like it from a distance, but close up...)

I haven't posted for two days?

Ruh-roh. I be busy.

Something substantial and MAYBE EVEN MOVIE-RELATED coming soon. In the meantime...

ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

This is pretty bad-ass.

Burn After Reading #1 in the box office, making almost $20M? Yay on the Coens!

Gotta love how The Dark Knight still pulled in almost $4.15M this weekend...

The Emmys are officially hip!

"I'm Fucking Matt Damon" won the Emmy for Best Song or whatever! Now if only The Office or Steve Carell can win, that'd make them really hip...

DAMN damn damn damn damn damn.

This is your nation on white privilege.

I don't agree with 100% of it (not all these points are because of "white privilege"), but yeah, pretty much...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Michael Phelps does look good sometimes.

Ignoring the 90% of the time where he looks like some weird goony-bird.

I was very impressed...

...by the trailer to The Soloist, playing before Burn After Reading. I was expecting the movie, based on the description alone, to be ridiculously sentimental, saccharine mush, but it doesn't look that way from the trailer (though the mention of Julliard and homeless together still puts me into a panic over shitty-ass August Rush). I should have known: RDJ don't do crap, right?

Milk also looks great. If it's as good as the trailer implies it is, hopefully it has all the success of Brokeback Mountain...

Finally, The Brothers Bloom looks like a riot. Or rather, Rachel Weisz does in it. Another Best Supporting Actress Oscar? Unlikely, but we'll see.

And, of course, here are the trailers:


The Soloist:

The Brothers Bloom:

(New Jersey jokes are always funny.)

in case you missed it...

Holy crap, how amazing are Tina and Amy here?

"I can see Russia from my house!"

Too bad Michael Phelps was super awkward (though not nearly as bad as Derek Jeter, who, as much as I love him, should never ever act ever!) and looks like something you see before you die if you've led an awful life.


I think he was pretty wrong for his part in Burn After Reading, but I still enjoyed his great comedic timing and, well, looking at him.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I saw Burn After Reading. It's hilarious, but the Coen brothers are misanthropes. Still, for black comedy it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable, because the humor's so freakin' zany (there's a moment with George Clooney and a chair that you gotta see to believe). Sometimes that works to the film's disadvantage, and no character in it is as vividly painted or obviously loved as Marge Gunderson (which is why Fargo isn't bleak), but it's still a good movie. Brad Pitt grabs the movie early on and runs off with it. He's absolutely fantastic. Overall, I'll give it a B.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Movies I have absolutely no desire to see this weekend:

The Women. Sweet Jesus, that cast is like "please stay away [Justine Credible]! Stay far far away!"

I wasn't aware Burn After Reading was actually coming out this weekend!! I so want to see if I can see that. Hmm... (Okay, I'm off to plan a party now. No, really.)

from this week's ANTM:

1. Joslyn
2. Lauren
3. Marjorie
4. Elina
5. Annaleigh (that leg/foot looks unnatural, but it's fierce)
6. Clark
7. McKey
8. Sheena
9. Isis
10. Hannah (so far, she's my "God won't you get rid of her already" person)
11. Nikeysha
12. Brittany (how was she not bottom 2? Isis' picture wasn't nearly as good as last week's, sure, but this picture was like the definition of boring in a not-very-boring situation)
13. Samantha (I hate to say this but she looks GIGANTIC. Along with Hannah, my "get rid of her already" person. Which means one of them will be final four at least.)

false alarm!

Definitely no ring there. But looking at that kiss in the promo, Jim and Pam certainly do seem to be getting along, so I ain't complaining yet.......

And I have her watch. Awesome!

the couples.

Oh, how I wish there was a Dwangela picture in that promo, too. Oh well.


AAAAAND another one!

All days should be so full of joyous news ;) as today and yesterday!

10-09-2008 9:00PM
LET’S GET ETHICAL-- OSCAR NOMINEE AMY RYAN (“GONE BABY GONE”) GUEST STARS— Following Ryan's (B.J. Novak) recent scandal at corporate, Holly (guest star Amy Ryan) must hold a business ethics seminar. The meeting gets out of control when Michael (Golden Globe winner Steve Carell) lets everyone speak freely about their unethical behavior at work. Meanwhile, Jim (John Krasinski) makes Dwight (Rainn Wilson) comply with the company's "time theft" policy.

The only bad thing about this is that because of a vice-presidential debate (I love you, Joe Biden!), there's no new Office on October 2. BOOO!!! But anyway, this episode sounds hysterical. What the heck is "time theft policy"? I've got no idea, but I bet it's funny!

could this night get any better?!?!

Two new Office promos, a fantastic party at my apartment, I found out the boyfriend's finally coming back from Africa at the beginning of October, and now this? Hello, it's like everything I've ever loved!




:15-:17, I'm probably being delusional, but I swore I saw a ring (not on the hand she's holding up, on the one she's moving around)! What do those gestures mean? I have no idea! But I'm happy!

And overall, GOD this looks so badass. The "wika-wika-whaaa!!" Holly/Michael moment on both of these is perhaps the cutest thing I've ever seen. And My Name Is Earl doesn't deserve to share a commercial with the amazingness that is The Office, but WHO CARES. THE WAI-AI-TING, IS THE HARDEST PART! 13 DAYS!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

oh my God, YES.

NEW FOOTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The wa-a-aiting is the hardest part.........

(He led us to believe that he was the father. By telling us that he was the father.)


FINALLY! I'll have something to write about other than all the movies that I haven't seen!

I normally don't like EW's reviews, but...

"The movie is Animal House crossed with (warning! Very frightening thought coming!) an incredibly dumbed-down Superbad."
- on College. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

and more spoilers...

Question: The Office? Pretty please with cherries on top. -- Laura
Ausiello: Either Dunder Mifflin's getting some fancy, state-of-the-art new Xerox machines or Michael's going to be taking his staff out on more field trips this season. According to an NBC insider, the show has been blessed with "a bigger budget" and "better production values" this season. Whispers my spy: "This year is all about being bigger and better."

(How much you wanna bet the "waaaah it was better in S2" people whine about this, no matter what it is. OMG BETTER PRODUCTION VALUES, AGAINST THE VERY NATURE OF THE SHOW!!!! Yeah, pretty much. But, maybe more importantly...)

Question: Got any scoop on Jim and Pam’s relationship on The Office? -- Sara
Ausiello: With a bigger budget comes...fake rain? Rumor has it that something momentous (and long overdue) takes place between the star-crossed lovers during a torrential downpour.

(I can't trust Ausiello [or indeed any spoiler] 100%, but... this is an engagement, right? WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! Or maybe Jim'll finally let Pam know Dwight got a hooker. ;) )

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

New Office spoilers.

So according to Kristen, two men will be "discussing" their engagements and wedding plans in the office this season, at least what they've filmed so far. One is Andy, and the other is "not Jim." Kristen gives us a hint that it's a "real-life movie star." I'm worried about the no engagement thing, but not worried about JAM (see later in these spoilers). Technically, though, I can't imagine that they'd be like "oh, well, JAM doesn't get engaged!" in some flippant spoiler when this show is so heavily under wraps. Also, it kind of goes against what Mindy Kaling said a few months ago. Also, JAM could be engaged, but Jim could just be not talking about it. But, if Andy and Michael/Ryan/some other guy have some kind of engagement story going on, I can't see Jim having one too. But, who knows.

What does the "real-life movie star" thing mean? Is it supposed to be Steve Carell (Dan in Real Life, after all)? Or, maybe Ryan's story gets made into a movie, and he's the movie star? Or maybe it's just BS?

In another spoiler, Kristen assures us that JAM is thriving (at least in the episodes they've filmed) and totally connected through "the world's smallest Bluetooth." Hmmm. Do they literally mean this thing, or is that some sort of ... metaphor?!?!?!?


Monday, September 08, 2008


I finally got The Office S4 on DVD.

Some, uh, interesting spoilers came out today... I'll talk about them tomorrow?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I LOVE this.

I wish the quality was a little sharper, but... YES.

I'm already really tired of...

...hearing about Rachel Getting Married and how it's a "dark" "edgy" role for Anne Hathaway. Are any reviews even out? Yawn.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

and in a non-political post...

My order of the pictures on last night's America's Next Top Model, from best to worst. I was amazed at how solid they were, overall. Usually there are quite a few bad ones in the first few shots. I mean, remember C8's political shoot? Jaslene and Brittany were the only ones who excelled, Felicia, Samantha, Renee, Cassandra, and Dionne were fine, and the rest sucked. Here, nobody was nearly as good as Jaslene or Brittany's shots, but everyone through #8 was quite good, and even then, below there no one was terrible except the bottom three (Samantha = weird posture, thighs look huge; Clark = unflattering and awkward pose, bad face; Hannah = lame in every way). I'll provide pictures ASAP.

1. Isis
2. Marjorie
3. Annaleigh
4. McKey
5. Brittany
6. Sheena
7. Joslyn
8. Elina
9. ShaRaun
10. Lauren
11. Nikeysha
12. Samantha
13. Clark
14. Hannah

Of course, the real question is... am I ever gonna talk about movies again?

One of the best things The Daily Show has ever done.

I never agreed with John McCain, but I never was genuinely frightened of him or thought he was as stupid as George Bush until he picked this stupid, stupid woman. You can't have it both ways, Sarah! You can't whore your kids out to prove what a good member of the Family Values Movement you are, then shriek "it's a family matter! stay out of it!!!!" when it turns out your unwed teenage daughter - who you, by your own voting record, would deny health care to - is pregnant (Barack Obama's far classier than I could ever be). You can't claim to be John McCain's "pitbull with lipstick," then cry sexism whenever anyone genuinely asks about your qualifications or background, as you clearly weren't vetted properly, and severely hurt McCain's two biggest attacks against Obama - that he's inexperienced, and that he's "just a celebrity." Of course, this section of The Daily Show isn't really about Sarah Palin, but more like the utter hypocrisy of the right, but I had to rant about that.

I can't be excited about this year's elections until they're over and hopefully hopefully hopefully Obama's in the White House. Please, God, please.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Palin Family Welcomes McCain to Twin Cities.

I feel awful for Bristol Palin. Kid made a huge mistake, but she's gonna get dragged through the coals by both sides for it, just because her mom insisted on whoring her out at first to promote her "family values"... but then McCain thought they could keep her pregnancy "private"? I understand that no minor deserves this, but for Sarah Palin to say her family is "off limits" when she, as I said, whored out her family for votes, basically, is hypocritical.

Oh, and this is mean of me, but whatever: Bristol and Levi look totally in love and not at all like they were forced to marry, of couse.

I love how Piper Palin looks terrified of McCain in the second picture. "Who's this scary old man that's making me wave!"


Okay, the rest of this is great, but OH MY GOD 0:10-0:23 OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I FELL ON THE FLOOR.

This changes everything.

I think I heard God's a JAMmer.

Monday, September 01, 2008

This is cute, though.

Clicky clicky.

on the other hand...

these people are why I can never call myself a feminist. Repulsive, absolutely repulsive. They're so utterly blind to their need to get a woman, any woman, in a place of power, that they'll go against virtually everything Hillary stood for. Sweet Jesus.

the NY Times takes on the RNC

Right here. Hee. It would've been funny if it was the DNC, too.