Friday, March 14, 2008

Sex and the City: The Movie

Sex and the City, for all my blabbering about The Office, is still my all-time favorite TV show. And unless you've been under a rock or don't care about movies or that TV show, you know they're making it into a movie this spring! Hooray! Or maybe not... let's look at the trailer...

I am tired just watching that. I mean, there are a lot of plot points to get through. We learn Big's ENTIRE name! Charlotte gets her little Chinese baby! Big leaves Carrie at the altar! Carrie randomly gets a personal assistant! Steve (probably) cheated on Miranda! (GOD, I HOPE NOT.) Charlotte is pregnant! And there appears to be a distressing lack of Smith!

This is definitely one of the trailers that just tells you the entire movie. And it's annoying. Quite frankly, I don't really believe Big and Carrie break up for good. I mean, they put us through all that shit for like six years (I think; can't say I was watching it when it first started, as I'm pretty sure I would have been like 10-12) to just...have them break up IN A MOVIE? That comes 4 years after the fact? Nononononono. Also, I really hope Steve didn't cheat on Miranda. I adore her character, but at times she was always forced into the most absolutely humiliating situations. This is just...another one, I guess.

In conclusion, though, I gotta say I still have hope. After all, the trailer's jokes are pretty darn funny. The friendships - what really kept the show together - still look natural and sweet. And, hey, if this movie sucks, I do always have the glorious end to the series, "An American Girl in Paris." We'll always have Paris...