Friday, March 28, 2008


(for the title of this entry, please refer to the best part of Alan Arkin's performance in Little Miss Sunshine, his line reading of that line.)

So, the Democratic party is retarded. And I am a registered Democrat. From the beginning of this election process, we've been told that this election is ours - that there's no way we could lose. Well, the stupid sniping and bitching within the party is what's going to make us lose, quite frankly. I support Barack Obama. I know it's a huge criticism of his campaign, but I just think he inspires hope in many in a way that hasn't really been seen in a long time. I think he has slightly better and more concrete plans for the economy and Iraq than Hillary. I think he's less-hated than Hillary and has a far better chance of winning against McCain, and he's taking the high road in competition with Hillary, usually. And, well, I dunno, I'm really into good, intelligent writing, and The Audacity of Hope and Dreams of My Father are both pretty damn amazing. That race speech was...damn. I feel like in campaigns, there's a lot of talking down, but Obama treats us like we're all competent, intelligent adults, who understand and need to work on complicated and difficult issues. However, this doesn't mean that I'm so shallow and petty that if Hillary gets chosen as the party's nominee I'm going to vote for McCain, or not at all, but that's what a lot of Democrats are doing, unfortunately. Come on, guys. Obama and Clinton are not very different when it comes to the issues. The mean-spirited competition between the supporters of the two of them is getting ridiculous. At this point, if we lose the election, it'll be at least partially our own damn fault. Pull it together, people...