I know, I'm not supposed to like her. Partially because she's the daughter of other famous actors, but mostly because she's (ick! ugh!) Karen (ugh!). But...here's the thing. Karen was kind of awesome (just not with Jim!). Yes, "Pam is...kind of a bitch" and some other things she did (tearing down the flyers...) were completely unnecessary, but she was just a girl trying to keep her relatively long-term boyfriend who she'd invested a lot of time in. With a lesser actress, Karen would have been hateable the entire time. I'm not sad they're basically done with her on the show (we don't need more Jim/Pam drama) but that's more a comment on her role than her acting (the only problem I ever had was in "The Job" where Jim and Karen are in NYC and it feels a little like "John [looking hot in those jeans! Whenever Jim has on a pair of jeans on that show, I start foaming at the mouth!] and Rashida go on a lovely jaunt!" rather than "Jim and Karen discuss their future. srsly"). Yeah, Rashida's the daughter of famously connected people, but there is no way she's a Paris Hilton (she's even commented on that, not in an "OMG I AM SO NOT LIKE HER!!!" showy way but just in a way that shows she knows how inevitable the question is). And look above! She's pretty! So in conclusion: rock on Rashida. Still not watching that new show of yours though because it looks really bad.