Saturday, March 08, 2008

More celebrity thoughts.

Laura: I love everything. I am the source of all goodness and light. When the evil aliens invade planet Earth, it will inevitably be me that causes the aliens to realize humans aren't so bad and thus leads to interstellar peace. My existence is so wonderful it utterly negates that of Heathers'. It's true.

Phil: I agree with all of the above. I need a drink, though. Otherwise I or something. Or take off this jacket, which I don't think I ever do. Don't I look weirdly like Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood in this picture? I don't know why or how. Probably the mustache...

Laura: Teehee. That's so true. I love you, Phil.

Phil: I'm supposed to be all indie and weird and showing love will completely destroy that image, but dammit, Laura, I love you too. Nobody's such a good actor that they can pretend that they don't.

Laura: Somehow, despite being kind of a mess and always playing super-weird characters that make everyone uncomfortable, I find you incredibly charming. I love everything. Weren't we great in The Savages together? Let's cuddle forever.

Phil: Let's.